In this post, I’ll cover all four countries that make up the UK ‘sexy men style’. As is my duty and obligation in that I wrote first of Ireland and my entire Mac’Lomain novel trilogy revolved a great deal more than you’d expect around the country, Ireland will lead out. (Aye, I’m Scotch-Irish too, so I’m allowed!)
IRELAND...Eire go Brach!
Wasn’t gonna post a video but these guys rock. After browsing through far more ‘aim to please the TV crowd’ and well choreographed videos by this group, I preferred this one. It showed the pre-planned ‘oops’ moments. Having spent quite a few moments myself on stage dancing, I could appreciate it! Not to mention, they wear the kilts appropriate to their heritage.
IRELAND...Eire go Brach!
Wasn’t gonna post a video but these guys rock. After browsing through far more ‘aim to please the TV crowd’ and well choreographed videos by this group, I preferred this one. It showed the pre-planned ‘oops’ moments. Having spent quite a few moments myself on stage dancing, I could appreciate it! Not to mention, they wear the kilts appropriate to their heritage.
Turn up your speakers. lassies. The music is bloody fabulous!
Celtic Thunder-Ireland’s Call
Celtic Thunder-Ireland’s Call
SCOTLAND...Scootlund Forever!
A HUGE fan of the movie 300, this was the first time I’d heard of Gerard Butler. Oh yeah, he’s hot as heck, but he’s super talented too. I really like the interview I found of him. It’s a great insight not only into the movie 300 but a great ‘sound off’ to the brogue that lined my trilogy. (Did I mention it was FABULOUS to see a Scot act in a Greek film, kinda made me think….Sky, you did okay with Highland Muse (Scotsman with a Greek Goddess)) Darn doable! So says Gerard.
The manuscript proposal, “sang to me!” The Song of The Muses Anthology did that, made me excited to write it…be part of it!
SO, check out this video clip....
SO, check out this video clip....
See what sexy Gerard Butler had to say!
ENGLAND...England Forever!
ENGLAND...England Forever!

Last but certainly not least, Wales. Those Welshmen will make you turn your head twice! *low whistle* Need I say more?

Very, very nice!!!!
Thanks girl! Knew you'd approve!
Then again, you provided some of these cuties ;)
Big Hugs
Holy Crap, lol What hotties, and Celtic Thunder are awesome Sky. Thank you. Being Scottish/Irish as well as Italian I love it all.Thank you for making me sweat on this Sunday morn. lol
Carol L.
LOL, I know, aren't they something, Carol? Absolutely DELICIOUS!!!
Oh my! Beautiful eye candy! Thank you!
Sue B
You're very welcome, Sue! Well worth gawking at, eh? ;)))
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