Hey all! I’m starting something new at this blog. It’ll post between events and other random chit-chats that fly up the viral line here at A Writer’s Mind. It’s called Sky's SHOUT OUT. This heading will be followed by my ‘current read or favorite title'. Most will be romance oriented but I read a lot of non-fiction too so you never know what you’ll get. One thing’s for sure, it’ll always be preceded by Amazon stats (past or previous), a blurb and buy link, then my own little zinger statement.
Yes, I’ll be sharing books by friends, but I’ll also be sharing those written by perfect strangers. No matter what, every time I SHOUT OUT it’s because I think you should listen.
This go round I’m sharing my latest read titled, Heaven is for Real. I bought this book mainly because my Mom raved about it. Losing Dad is still such a fresh wound for both of us and we’re trying to find solace where we can. No doubt about it, this book helped. While my beliefs in the afterlife may vary from some, they still exist. Whether or not the experiences this little boy claims he had in fact happened or not, the message is wonderful and one worth reading about.
I'm particularly content to see that he's portrayed as Middle Eastern. Some versions of him, with pale skin and light hair never made much sense to me. After all, he was born in the Middle East. No way around the logic. As to his pale blue green eyes? It seems to be a feature many NDE's agree with. In fact, his eyes are their favorite part not because of the color but because of their intensity and love. No complaints here.
With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how "really, really big" God is, and how much God loves us. Retold by his father, but using Colton's uniquely simple words, Heaven Is for Real offers a glimpse of the world that awaits us, where as Colton says, "Nobody is old and nobody wears glasses."
Heaven Is for Real will forever change the way you think of eternity, offering the chance to see, and believe, like a child.
This is a best-selling book. As it should be. Purchase HERE.
Sky's zinger..."Colton's Heaven is for real. I know mine is. What about you? Is your Heaven for real? And what do you think of this picture of Jesus?"
Yes, I’ll be sharing books by friends, but I’ll also be sharing those written by perfect strangers. No matter what, every time I SHOUT OUT it’s because I think you should listen.

I’ve included a drawing of Jesus done by a very young girl who had a NDE (Near Death Experience). She was under ten. Yes, she drew this when under ten. Amazing, isn’t it? She claimed her ability to draw it devine. Interesting thing…other children, including the boy in this book, claim this is the very man who greeted them when they were dying. To a ‘T.’ In the case of this little boy, THIS was Jesus. After years of saying, "No" to many renditions of what Jesus looked like, he adamently said YES to this one. Without hesitation, this was the one.
I'm particularly content to see that he's portrayed as Middle Eastern. Some versions of him, with pale skin and light hair never made much sense to me. After all, he was born in the Middle East. No way around the logic. As to his pale blue green eyes? It seems to be a feature many NDE's agree with. In fact, his eyes are their favorite part not because of the color but because of their intensity and love. No complaints here.
"Yes, mommy, I remember," he said. "That's where the angels sang to me."
When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren't expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the months that followed-a story as beautiful as it was extraordinary, detailing their little boy's trip to heaven and back.
Colton, not yet four years old, told his parents he left his body during the surgery-and authenticated that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing in another part of the hospital while he was being operated on. He talked of visiting heaven and relayed stories told to him by people he met there whom he had never met in life, sharing events that happened even before he was born. He also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that matched the Bible exactly, though he had not yet learned to read.
With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how "really, really big" God is, and how much God loves us. Retold by his father, but using Colton's uniquely simple words, Heaven Is for Real offers a glimpse of the world that awaits us, where as Colton says, "Nobody is old and nobody wears glasses."
Heaven Is for Real will forever change the way you think of eternity, offering the chance to see, and believe, like a child.
This is a best-selling book. As it should be. Purchase HERE.
Sky's zinger..."Colton's Heaven is for real. I know mine is. What about you? Is your Heaven for real? And what do you think of this picture of Jesus?"
You were meant to read this book. I remember watching the little boy on tv talking about when he finally saw the "correct" painting of Jesus. Amazing! And the little girl is such an amazing artist! She has a website with tons of art. Truly God given talent! I love how Jesus not only looks like he exudes love but he also looks very strong to me, much stronger and more fierce than other paintings of him. I KNOW Jesus is MIGHTY. This painting shows this. A powerful, loving God. I hope this book gave you and your mother much needed peace and love after the loss of your beloved father. Heaven is for Real!!!
Wow, this books sounds incredible, and seem it came into your life at the right time!
I will have to pick this one up!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Very strong stuff there Sky. A question that has been asked since man first looked to the skies and wondered why are we here? Great blog. Seekers of knowledge are not just for those with degrees they are for all. Thanks for sharing this.
What do I think of this Jesus? Isaiah 53:2 NKJV
For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
Loved the movie !
As far as the picture being exactly what the girl in Lithuania painted, and the eastern features of Christ all of it makes total sense.
Nothing about this can be brought to an argument or debate IMHO.
There have been WAAAAY too many visits to paradise from NDE's to even create an opposition
Its very cool knowing what J.C looks like !!
Read the book, just watched the movie, both awesome! Lost my daughter in 2005 to a car accident, have traveled through many different places to find answers. To no avail, always came up empty. This movie made me feel better than I have in along time. It is hope, a belief that there is a place so beautiful and peaceful and that we will all be reunited with the ones we love.
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