Welcome to my blog! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and read what's on my mind. I've a vicious sense of humor, an apprecation for romance and a mad addiction to writing.
Welcome everyone! I’m thrilled to have a very special guest visiting this weekend. None other than my dear friend, Andrea, co-founder of a fantastic blog called, The Write Life of Andrea and Corrina-Chicks of Characterization. We were introduced years ago by our mutual friend, talented author, Skhye Moncrief. We shared the same mad obsession when it came to all things Scotland and of course, a great love for books!
Andrea is such a fabulous and kind person. Not to mention she bends over backwards to help authors promote their work. So, I say it’s way past time she gets a little recognition! My way of giving back? I’d like to host a contest. It’s pretty simple, all you have to do it head over to The Write Life of Andrea and Corrina-Chicks of Characterization and become a follower. Then swing back to this blog and leave a comment. The prize? A print copy of Andrea’s all time favorite Highlander novel, The Pride of Lions by Marsha Canham!
The Spotlight is on Andrea!
Let’s get to know her a little better…
Andrea Snider is an aspiring writer, author promoter, and an avid reader. Once she was old enough to grace the halls of a library she was hooked. By the time she reached her teen years she was whipping through every Sweet Valley High novel she could get her hands on. And as she got older she moved on to more adult romance novels. Though she reads many genres, Thriller, Romantic Suspense, Christian, chick-lit and contemporary, her heart belongs to Romance. Who can resist a happy ending? Andrea can’t. And if you add a sexy Medieval Highlander in the wilds of Scotland you’ve got a fan in her!
But it was only after her second child was born that she decided to try her hand at writing her own Happy Ending. So some years later, and one completed manuscript, she is still testing the waters of the publishing industry. And after seeing how tough the writing business is, she realized quickly that you cannot do it alone. Because of that she created her blog, The write life of Andrea & Corrina, to help other writers like herself promote their books. She hopes to be promoting her own one day!
And when she’s not reading, writing, promoting, or critiquing a writing partner’s manuscript, she is busy taking care of her husband and three sons and dreaming about her next trip to Scotland! Andrea is also a member of the RWA and the Membership Chair for the Celtic Hearts Romance writers.
SKY: Andrea, great to have you over to my blog for the weekend! Gotta say, you and Corrina are incredible. You do SO much for writers! I have to ask, what inspired you to start such an informative and supportive site for authors?
ANDREA: Thank you so much for having me Sky! I have to say I was a little surprised that anyone wanted to interview lil ole’ me! To answer your question, in all honesty, and I know it sounds cliché, I love a good book, and I just enjoy helping other people. The writing business is tough, I believe most people think it’s so easy, but it’s not. A new author needs all the help they can get promoting their stories and so I thought, why not. If I could help someone out, maybe one day if I ever become published they would return the favor. Plus having an internet presence is crucial in this business.
SKY: Isn’t that the truth! I know when it comes to writing, reading, anything in the literature world, you’re all over the internet. Have you found a few sites that you feel are especially beneficial to our field? A ‘head’s up’ is always most appreciated!
ANDREA: There are so many wonderful sites out there! And it depends on what exactly you are looking for but if it’s about writing or promotion- Author Kris Tualla has a vast amount of great information on her Website; as does Joanna Waugh. History Undressed is a fabulous blog. 1st turning point is another great site for everything you would want to know about promotion-and for reference books you have to visit Skhye Moncrief; And if you are talking about my favorite subject, Scotland there are tons and tons of sites, here are a few of my favorites- Electric Scotland.com,Rampant Scotland.com; AND a must need for anyone who writes Scottish historicals - www.scots-online.org/dictionary/engscots.htm - I frequent many great blogs including this one! (Sky’s blog is awesome!) But I won’t post them all here! If you go to my Blog-they are all listed!
SKY: Super, there are a few in there I didn’t know about. Thanks! I have to ask, as you were a book reviewer in the past, what would be your advice to aspiring writers? Even published writers ‘en project’?
ANDREA: Write the best book that you can, write from your heart and tell your own story, with your own voice! It’s so hard for a new writer to find their voice. With all the rules that go along with writing, I know from personal experience that most new writers are trying to follow them all, rewriting and rewriting until the story is no longer their own. So, practice your craft, grow a thick skin, learn to take criticism, write, write, write and if you want it bad enough, with a few bumps in the road and allot of patience you’ll get there!
SKY: Wow, nicely said, Andrea. I’ve been down that road of writing and re-writing, following all the rules and indeed losing my ‘voice’ along the way. And as to the ‘thick skin’ definitely great advice, bloody crutial really! Getting personal. While I know you adore Scotland as much as me, what would you say is your all time favorite Highlander story of the past? Why?
ANDREA: That’s an easy one! My all time Favorite Highlander story is The Pride of Lions by Marsha Canham. Oh my, this was soooooo good that I read it in one sitting. I had never heard of Marsha Canham and the only reason I picked it up was because of the plaid that was on the cover. As you mentioned I adore Scotland and so the cover drew me right in. AND, if you’re wondering if I will buy a book based on its cover? INDEED I will!
I loved this book because it provoked so much emotion from me. Ms. Canham does her homework and shares Scotland’s history in vivid detail! You feel like your there, fighting along side them at Culloden! And it doesn’t hurt to have a sexy Highlander willing to risk all for his clan and the woman he loves, and a beautiful heroine who gives him a run for his money!! This book has it all, and the best thing? It’s the first in a series!!!!
SKY: I haven’t read any of her work yet but you sold me on it. Marsha Canham’s, The Pride of Lions just went on my TBR list! It’s been a pleasure having you visit, my friend. Thanks for being here!
ANDREA: Thank you so much for having me! I appreciate you taking the time to interview me! Sky you are a great friend and I am honored that you think enough of me and my little blog to take the time to shine your light on us. I appreciate it more than you know! You help so many people promote their trades and that’s a wonderful thing! Keep up the good work!!!
*SKY: Please, lady! You're a boon to this trade and when you publish your first novel, I'm sure you'll have one heck of a backing!*
ANDREA: On a side note, if there are any published authors out there who would like a little extra help promoting their book- feel free to leave me your E-mail address and I’ll see what I can do!
Thanks again for having me!
Sky here. Isn’t Andrea great? Don’t forget, for a chance to win a print copy of The Pride of Lions by Marsha Canham, be sure to head over to The Write Life of Andrea and Corrina-Chicks of Characterization and become a follower, then swing back to this blog and leave a comment by Monday, August 2nd, 6 AM EST! NOTE: If you're already a follower of Andrea's blog, please say so in your comment. You're still eligible to win.
Thanks for joining us this weekend. See you Monday morning as my Sizzling Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event continues.
Wow, another suburb week! I'd like to once more thank Lyn for joining me. For those of you who are an avid fan of Hywela Lyn, be sure to pop back in during my upcoming Song of the Muses Blog Event. Lyn will be back to share more with us about Dancing With Fate.
It's that time again. The winner of this week's contest is......Yadkny! Congratulations! Please contact me at Skypurington@live.com to collect your prize.
Welcome to my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. This time around we’ve a Welshman! Talented author, Hywela Lyn (AKA─Lyn) will be chatting about her contribution to the Song of the Muses Anthology, Dancing With Fate. Be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a free Ecopy of Dancing With Fate and a $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press!
When Terpsichore, the Muse of Dance, is assigned to revisit the land of Wales, her task seems simple enough. She is unaware there is a hidden agenda. Before she can return to Olympus her path crosses that of the mysterious Myrddin, and her heart is lost.
But Myrddin is promised to another. His mind is set on the dangerous task that lies before him, and the woman he has sworn to save. Nevertheless, he cannot deny the growing attraction between him and the beautiful stranger he meets along the way.
Terpsichore and Myrddin face a deadly force that threatens to part them forever. Is she destined to lose the only man she has ever truly loved? Is there nothing she can do to save him? Finally, when all seems lost, in desperation she finds herself DANCING WITH FATE.
SKY: Welcome, thanks for joining me this week!
LYN: Hello Sky, thank you so much for inviting me to take part in your fantastic summer blog event.
SKY: My pleasure. It's wonderful having you visit again, Lyn! Tell me, what inspired you to create your hero’s character? Did he simply form as you wrote or had he been in your mind for some time?
LYN: I think he had been there all the time really, but I wasn’t sure who he was, and the role he was ultimately going to play in another very famous and enduring legend until the moment he and my heroine, Terpsichore, met. As he gradually revealed himself to me while I wrote, I realized the true identity of this hero, emerging from the mists and myths of 5th century Wales, and that he would be the ideal mate for my muse heroine,
SKY: Well, having read this story, I know firsthand what a fantastic job you did with it! Now, let's give readers a little insight into your hero’s personality. Is he cunning, aggressive, arrogant, kind, humorous─share all!
LYN: Brave and generous of spirit, he’s kind hearted and caring, attuned to nature and the wildlife of his surroundings He’s cunning up to a point, but only when it’s really necessary for survival. A better word would be ‘shrewd’. A bit of a ‘loner’ he’s had to rely on his wits and the magick he possesses, although he isn’t yet fully aware of the potenial within him, or the power he is destined to wield.
A taste..
Had he imagined the soft radiance surrounding her at the waterfall? It must have been an illusion, a trick of the light. She looked perfectly normal now, if ‘normal’ was the word for one so lovely. She was surely hiding something from him, though. Why had she not given him her family name? It had not escaped his attention that she had told him he could ‘call’ her Cora, and not that it was actually her name.
He noticed she ate very delicately, although she appeared to enjoy her meal. He tried to contain his own hunger and to eat a little more slowly. He did not want to give the impression he was a ruffian—not that she looked the type who was easily perturbed and she’d already indicated she was capable of taking care of herself. He somehow felt he wanted to give her a good impression of himself, though. He sighed. What was he thinking? What did it matter what impression he gave her? She would most likely be leaving the next day, and anyway, he should not be thinking of any woman other than Gwendolyn. Certainly, he should not be thinking the kind of thoughts that crept into his mind every time he looked at Cora.
When they’d washed down the fish with clear, cool water from the spring, the sun dipped below the horizon. Soon Arianhod, the goddess of the moon, rose full and majestic, from behind the mountains. For a while, they sat before the fire in companionable silence.
“So tell me,” Myrddin repeated at length, “is your home very far from here?”
She gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. “It won’t take me long to get there, I’ll leave at dawn tomorrow.” She eyed him with a curious expression in her eyes. “Where are you journeying to, if I may ask, and have you come far?”
“North, to Castell Madog, another day’s ride from here. I have been travelling for five days and nights. My journey is nearly over.”
She did not ask, but something about the way she looked at him compelled him to add, “I’m on a quest to rescue the Lady Gwendolyn, who has been abducted from her father’s home by Madog.”
“I see—there is a reward for her return?”
Myrddin pursed his lips, annoyed she should think his motives so base. But they hardly knew each other, why would she have any reason to believe otherwise?
“No, this is a matter beyond mere riches. She is my betrothed.”
He thought a flicker of a shadow crossed her face, but in an instant it was gone.
“Oh. And do you love her?”
“As I said, we are betrothed, and have been since we were children.”
“That does not answer my question.”
Myrddin was not sure whether to be irritated or impressed by her directness and lack of guile. “Of course. Why should I not love her? She is the fairest of all maidens, and the most pure—that is—” He realized he might inadvertently have insulted his beautiful companion. “Forgive me, I did not mean to suggest—”
She laughed softly, a laugh like of water tinkling over pebbles. “Don’t worry; I understand what you’re saying.”
“How about you then? What are you doing alone and away from home?” She hesitated a moment. The brat slipped down around her shoulders. The firelight shone on her hair and turned it to flame.
“I...I had a task to do here, given me by my brother. Now it is completed and I can return.”
“Are you quite sure you’ll be all right alone? Perhaps, I could go some of the way with you?”
“No, thank you, there is no need. I wouldn’t think of asking you to go out of your way, I will be in no danger, I assure you.”
Myrddin nodded and poked the fire a little more. “We should get some sleep so we can leave early tomorrow.” He walked over to where he’d stashed his saddle. He placed it on the ground near the fire, for a pillow, laying his brat down as a blanket.
He glanced across to where Cora was doing the same. “Will you be comfortable and warm enough for the night?”
She laughed again. “I’m sure I will. It’s hardly a chill night.”
“That’s true.” He watched as she lay down and wrapped the copious folds of her own brat around her. The faint scent of honeysuckle hung in the air, a fragrance that seemed to be part of her. This woman disturbed him and he was not sure why. He knew there was something she kept back from him, but then, he had not told her everything about himself, either. Nothing happened without reason and he could not rid himself of the feeling that their being thrown together was no coincidence.
SKY: Turning up the temperature─Why are readers going to fall in love with your hero-lust for him?
LYN: Well, apart from being tall, slim and toned, he has the kind of looks that once seen are never forgotten. Although not conventionally ‘handsome’ his features, hinting of noble blood, are striking enough to make a goddess go weak at the knees – not to mention a mere mortal! With blond hair and eyes of piercing azure blue that can seem to look straight into a person’s soul, his intelligence and purity of heart shine through and he has a charisma which comes across, even to his enemies.
Another taste...
“I’m a muse,” she repeated. “A goddess of inspiration. I’m responsible for the feeling you get when you hear music and can’t keep your feet still. When your spirits lift and all your cares and worries seem as naught; that is me, in your mind. It’s not the first time I’ve visited this land you call Cymru. I returned because your people were so busy defending the land, they forgot how to dance.”
She paused, aware Myrddin was gazing at her in rapt concentration. “You may think it a frivolous thing, but when people forget how to dance, and to make music, the heart goes out of them and they also forget how to live. My sister, Euterpe, came here long ago and instilled a passion for music and song, which remains. But my brother, Apollo, knew they’d lost the memory of how to use it, how to express in their dancing, the sheer joy of living. So I returned.”
“And have you given us back our love of dancing, then?”
She was not entirely sure if he was making fun of her.
“Indeed, I have, don’t you feel it in your soul?”
“I might, if you were to show me again how you dance.”
Now she was sure he mocked her. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
There was no doubting the sincerity in his eyes as he said quietly, “Yes, Terpsichore, I do. I could watch you dance forever. My soul could use some uplifting. Will you dance for me, now?”
He reminded her so much of her brother. Oh dear, Apollo! He’d told her not to reveal her true identity. But then this man was different. He was far more than just an ordinary mortal. Well, if she had to shed her pretences, and since she couldn’t really get into the mood of the dance wearing truis—an instant later she was dressed in her customary chiton, a garland of flowers in her hair.
Slowly she moved, singing her accompaniment in a low voice. Soon, she lost herself in her dance, almost forgetting Myrddin watched her. Her arms raised above her head, she moved her hands in rhythm with her feet, All the while, swivelling her hips as she turned in small circles. She raised her voice a little and became aware of Myrddin softly singing with her. It was no surprise when he joined in her dance, as well. No one could stand still for long when she played her lyre or danced. Wasn’t that her task anyway, to fill all mortals with the sheer pleasure of dancing? Wherever she danced, in taverns or market places, everyone forgot what they were doing at that moment, to join in. Myrddin, it seemed, was no different. If only she could control her heart as well as she did Myrddin’s feet. If only she could control his heart.
“You dance well...for a ‘warrior’.”
He smiled, causing her heart to flip once more. He was so incredibly good looking when he smiled.
“Thank you, but I’ve never pretended to be a soldier, although I can fight if need be. I wear these clothes because they are more practical for riding.” He chuckled softly. “And I was taught some refinements as a boy. Not your sort of dancing though. I’ve never seen anyone dance like you.”
“I can dance any way you want me to.”
“The way you dance now is perfect, but perhaps we could try dancing together?”
She caught her breath. Had he any inkling how she felt? Was he deliberately trying to make things even more difficult for her?
He stood just behind her and a little to the side. Slipping his arm around her waist, he took her left hand in his, with her right hand in his own right one. Of course, she knew this way too, but it was unnerving to be so close to him, to have his hands touching hers. Somehow, she managed to keep singing, to make her feet move in time to the tune.
“Are you sure you’re not still angry with me,” he asked again after a while, bending his head a little, his breath caressing her cheek, his face so close to hers she almost stopped breathing herself.
SKY: Thanks so much for visiting and sharing!
LYN: Than YOU so much Sky, it’s been a pleasure and a privilege to be with you today.
Check out the book trailer for Dancing With Fate. It's wonderful!
"Dancing With Fate" is a simple love story, made very intriguing with magical characters. Hywela Lyn wrote a beautiful and touching story of undying love and characters that are prepared to give everything, even their souls, for the other's life. Myrddin and Terpsichore were both very strong characters, each willing to give their all to what they believed in. For me, Greek mythology can be a bit hard to read. I do not know much about it, so it can be hard to follow. However, Ms. Lyn did such a fantastic job of describing each character that I never knew I could enjoy Greek myths quite so much. I wholeheartedly recommend this book, filled with vivid landscapes, Greek myths, and some of the strongest characters I have read in a while. Read full reviewHERE.
~Review by Amaranth, Long And Short Reviews - Five Books
Such a simple love story made great by the addition of the gods, muses, and Fates with their twists to life. Even the fifth century had some truly honorable men including Myrddin who refuses to give in to the feelings he has for Cora until he finds his Gwendolyn. She was betrothed to him by his family long ago. When she tells her with her own lips and behavior, doting on Madog, he finally believes his quest was in vain. Read full review HERE.
~Reviewer: Dee Dailey, The Romance Studio Rating - Five Hearts Books (Please note, despite what it says in the heading of this review, this is NOT an erotic romance!)
"The lovely, lovely descriptions never slow the action, but manage still to convey emotion and carry the narration forward. This is an incredibly original tale, and for all the science fiction trappings is truly a classic quest for love, and the romance, which at first seems very much at the periphery, will become not only a primary motivation, but the chief joy of the tale. Adventure may be the main motif, but the heartwarming side will be a surprising bonus."
"This book is wonderful! There are few books that hold my interest to the point where I can't bear to put it down, but Children of the Mist is most certainly at the top of this list. The attraction between Tamarith and Vidarh is beautifully written. The involvement of telepathy would appear to make it easier for them to share their feelings, but this isn't the case. If anything telepathy makes it harder as they hide their minds from one another. This puts their lives in danger more than once...
...Well done Hywela Lyn. I haven't read the first book in this series, but you can be sure I'm going to buy it as soon as I can. This is the type of book I love to read." Read full review HERE.
~Reviewed by Orchid, The Long and Short Of It Reviews (Five Star Plus Best Book Review)
Thanks again for popping in! Be sure to leave a comment by Friday, July 30th 12 PM EST for a chance to win an Ecopy of Dancing With Fate and a $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press.
Hey all! For those who’ve popped in lately, you know I’ve been celebrating sexy men outta the UK. Otherwise known as my Sizzlin’ Hot Men of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. This weekend, I’m taking a break. Not such a bad thing. Why? I’m leaving you with some yummy eye candy to tide ya over. So grab a cup of hot java, a 'just chilled' apple martini, or whatever your device, sit back and pamper yourself because' it's ALL about the MEN this time.
In this post, I’ll cover all four countries that make up the UK ‘sexy men style’. As is my duty and obligation in that I wrote first of Ireland and my entire Mac’Lomain novel trilogy revolved a great deal more than you’d expect around the country, Ireland will lead out. (Aye, I’m Scotch-Irish too, so I’m allowed!)
IRELAND...Eire go Brach!
Wasn’t gonna post a video but these guys rock. After browsing through far more ‘aim to please the TV crowd’ and well choreographed videos by this group, I preferred this one. It showed the pre-planned ‘oops’ moments. Having spent quite a few moments myself on stage dancing, I could appreciate it! Not to mention, they wear the kilts appropriate to their heritage.
Turn up your speakers. lassies. The music is bloody fabulous!
Celtic Thunder-Ireland’s Call
SCOTLAND...Scootlund Forever!
As to my Scottish ‘shout out.’ Naturally, I romped around a little to make sure this was perfect.
A HUGE fan of the movie 300, this was the first time I’d heard of Gerard Butler. Oh yeah, he’s hot as heck, but he’s super talented too. I really like the interview I found of him. It’s a great insight not only into the movie 300 but a great ‘sound off’ to the brogue that lined my trilogy. (Did I mention it was FABULOUS to see a Scot act in a Greek film, kinda made me think….Sky, you did okay with Highland Muse (Scotsman with a Greek Goddess)) Darn doable! So says Gerard.
The manuscript proposal, “sang to me!” The Song of The Muses Anthology did that, made me excited to write it…be part of it!
SO, check out this video clip....
See what sexy Gerard Butler had to say!
ENGLAND...England Forever!
Then there are the Englishmen! Yep, I love a brogue and a lilt, but have always adored the English accent. Sexy, suave…and oh-so-scrumptious. The series, The Tudors is one of my all time favorites. And my favorite hunk from the hit Showtime series? None other than Henry Cavill. AKA-Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk. Yum!!! And then some. Might wanna opt for the apple martini when watching this one. He's SO delectable!
Last but certainly not least, Wales. Those Welshmen will make you turn your head twice! *low whistle* Need I say more?
Here's hoping I left you wanting more! Stay tuned, Monday morn we continue on with those UK hottie tales as my blog event continues.
Yet another fabulous week! Faith, you rock, woman! Beware What You Wish sounds beyond delicious. This week's contest winner is...drum roll please...Jellybelly! Congratulations. Please contact me at Skypurington@live.com to collect your prize.
Welcome to my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. So far, it’s been a blast and only bound to get better! This week it’s my pleasure to introduce talented romance author, Faith V. Smith. She’ll be dishing out about her latest tale, Beware What You Wish. As always, there’s a contest involved! For a chance to win an Ecopy of Beware What You Wish and a $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press main store, be sure to leave a comment.
Beware What You Wish
Leah Barnett's travel to research a romance novel sends her back two hundred years--right into the bathtub of one hunky half Scot, half English male. His chauvinist attitude stiffens her spine, but his sensual kisses weaken her knees. Not to mention flipping her heart like a kilt in the wind.
Alistair MacKinnon's vow to stay out of trouble falls by the wayside when a sensual, outspoken woman falls into his tub out of nowhere. Her insistence that she's from the future doesn't cause him as much concern as the way his heart thuds just looking at her. He's finally found a woman who sees eye-to-eye with him--even if she does only reach his chest.
When Alistair orders the headstrong Leah to marry him to keep his despicable cousin from taking her to bed, the Scottish-English hottie gets a talking to that singes his ears. But it's not his ears that sting when they find a portal to the future for Leah.
SKY: Welcome, thanks for joining me this week!
FAITH: Hi Sky, as always it’s an honor and so much fun to be here. Thanks for having me over!
SKY: My pleasure! Tell me, what inspired you to create your hero’s character? Did he simply form as you wrote or had he been in your mind for some time?
FAITH: Actually he kinda grew in personality as I wrote. Beware What You Wish was written for a contest at The Wild Rose Press, Through The Garden Gate. Although, it didn’t win, I was really excited and blessed to have Pam Winger ask me to redo it and resend the manuscript. So, when I first wrote this, I was writing blind for the first three chapters, then I had to pull it together and do one of those hated synopsis…lol.
SKY: Ugh, couldn’t agree with you more about the synopsis! So, give me a little insight into your hero’s personality. Is he cunning, aggressive, arrogant, kind, humorous─share all!
FAITH: He’d definitely arrogant…lol. As a half-English Lord, and a half-Scottish Laird, he got it in spades. He also has a great big heart, is kind, and can be funny at times. I love Alistair.
A taste…
Leah wasn’t sure how she’d gotten where she was either, but of one thing she was certain: the giant standing before her with the sexy brogue had to be a figment of her imagination, or worse—maybe she was dead.
Fragments of her fall through darkness rushed again toward her with a whirling collage of colors. She shook her head to dispel the frightening image. Her heartbeat, stuttered to a slow crawl, and her throat threatened to close against the fear fighting its way from the pit of her stomach. She swallowed hard to get the knot out of her throat before replying.
“Look, mister, I don’t know anything about witchcraft. I don’t understand what’s going on either, but if you’ll just point the way out, I’ll be happy to leave.”
Hopefully, when she did leave, she’d find herself back at the bed and breakfast nursing a few bruised body parts.
“Lord, what?” Leah’s frustration only added to the fear she’d lost her mind.
“Lord Knightsley be the proper way to address me, or if ye prefer, Laird MacKinnon.”
Leah’s mouth gaped. It appeared someone besides her had suffered a fall. The possibility that someone might have found her at the ruins and kidnapped her unconscious body crossed her mind. What if the man had escaped from a mental institution?
SKY: Great excerpt! Turning up the temperature─Why are readers going to fall in love with your hero-lust for him?
FAITH: Well, there is lust, but no, I think readers will fall in love with the man he is. A man willing to give up the woman he loves in order to keep her safe. You gotta love a man like that in my opinion.
Another taste…
Alistair’s eyes darkened. “I dinna ken what ye mean by that but if it be what I think, then ye are sorely wrong. I have never offered marriage to another woman and if ye turned me down, I—.”
“I thought you weren’t taking no for an answer.”
The look he shot her was one of disbelief. “Ye actually thought I would force ye to wed me without good reason?”
“Well, your reason might not have been enough for me.”
“Leah, lass, I tend to be a man of few words when it comes to women. I have bedded my share of the fairer sex but no one has sparked more than lust except for you.”
Leah didn’t know what to say. The man in his twisted way had shot down her intent to continue to turn down his half-assed marriage proposal.
Moonlight touched his face and form, turning this man of the past into the hero of her dreams. As much as she would like to tell him no, Leah wanted more than anything to experience one night of bliss in his arms.
“Okay, say we do this. Am I going to have to be a slave to your every whim? Cause, I have to tell you, my mama didn’t raise me to be a doormat.”
The MacKinnon’s laughter startled several night creatures as it echoed above the treetops. “I promise ye, lass, my every whim will only enhance the pleasure of our marriage bed.”
SKY: Another spectacular excerpt. Alistair sounds incredible! Thanks so much for visiting and sharing!
FAITH: Hey, anytime! It’s lovely being here, and I do love to visit with other authors.
What people are saying...
Cute, funny and romantic where it should be. I can't wait to read Ms. Smith's second story.
~Rating: 3.5 Books, Review by Hibiscus - The Long and Short Of It Reviews
This is an intriguing story that has you wondering where Leah will end up at last….future or past. A highly, enjoyable read.
~Arianne -- Night Owl Romance
Beware What You Wish delivers exactly what readers want: a delightful story that knows true love lives in the mind, body, and heart.
~Jennifer Akers - MyShelf.com
Kensington’s Soul: Readers will fall in love with Zacke and Miranda. Thank goodness you won't have to say goodbye to them after you close the book. KENSINGTON'S SOUL is the first in Smith's Bound by Blood series. Highly recommended.”
~Jennifer Akers, MyShelf.com
Viking, Go Home: When reading this story this reviewer couldn’t help but think of another excellent time travel, Jude Deveraux’s A Knight in Shining Armor.
~4 STARS Romantic Times Bookreviews
Dunbar’s Curse is a great book that will enthrall the reader right from the start! This is one blazing book that has enough heat to start a forest fire!
~5 Starts Night Owl Romance/Janean Sparks
Interested in learning more about Faith? Visit her at her Website or Blog!
Don’t forget to leave a comment by Friday, July 23rd 12 PM EST for a chance to win an Ecopy of Beware What You Wish and a $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press.
Like vampires? If so, c'mon over and join me at Mariposa's Musings where I'll be chatting about Darkest Memory (Prequel to Heart of Vesuvius) Leave a comment there for a chance to win an Ecopy!
Be sure to check out the post below this. Gotta love pure artistic talent!
Welcome! It’s the weekend again. That means it’s intermission time from my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. As you all know, I love to help promote creative people. This time around, I’d like to introduce my good friend Reece Herring’s husband, Joey Foutch.
Like tattoo’s? Live near Redding, California or know someone who does? If so, you’ve got to swing in and visit Joey. He’s an incredible tattoo artist. Just look at these pictures!
From Reece’s lips to my blog…
“Joey is 33, married with three kids and works at Caddy Daddy's Tattoo shop located at 2010 Churn Creek Rd. Redding California. He's been an artist all his life of primarily superhero and comic book art and after being introduced to the art of tattooing from a coworker he was determined to master the skill of body art as well. He is now 3 and a half years into that process and really enjoys the challenges and creativity his work provides. He prides himself on being very clean and professional. His favorite tattoo's to do are traditional and superhero but as long as he's tattooing he's happy.”
So if you’re in the area and ready for a one-of-a-kind tattoo, pop in and ask for Joey!
Another fabulous week! Silver, it was a pleasure having you visit. I LOVE your style of writing. Faerie Fate sounds spectacular!
It's that time again. The winner of this week's contest is...Hywela Lyn. Congratulations!!! Please contact me at Skypurington@live.com to collect your prize.
If you have a second tomorrow, join me at Mariposa's Musings. I'll be chatting about Darkest Memory and giving away a little something too!
Welcome to my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. Last week was a smashing success and I don’t doubt this week will be just as successful. We do love our UK heroes! This week it’s my pleasure to introduce talented author, Silver James. She’ll be dishing out about her latest release, Faerie Fate. Naturally, there’s a contest involved. For a chance to win an Ecopy of Faerie Fate and a $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press main store, be sure to leave a comment!
If you could go back, do it over again, would you take a chance to find true love? What if you had no choice?
On her fiftieth birthday, the faerie catapult Rebecca Miller a thousand years into the past to find her happily ever after with Ciaran MacDermot, Chief of Clann MacDermot and the last Fenian warrior in his line. In the twenty-first century, Becca is old enough to be Ciaran’s mother. In the tenth, she’s young enough to be his bride.
The fae forgot to mention one slight stipulation. The lovers must be bound before the Festival of Light, or Becca will forever disappear into Tir Nan Óg, the faerie Land of the Ever Young. Will they discover the binding words before time runs out and they’re torn apart forever? Or will their eternal love defeat their Faerie Fate?
Without the words, history is doomed to repeat itself.
SKY: Welcome, thanks for joining me this week!
SILVER: Thanks for inviting me, Sky! It's a real pleasure to be here talking about one of my favorite things—hot, Celtic men.
SKY: Mmm, couldn’t agree more! By the way, LOVE Faerie Fate’s cover! Tell me, what inspired you to create your hero’s character? Did he simply form as you wrote or had he been in your mind for some time?
SILVER: Ciaran, unlike many of my heroes, developed slowly. I had the idea for the plot and the heroine's character came to me almost whole cloth, unlike his. He had to be a warrior and he had to be comfortable in at least the two “incarnations” of his life presented in the book. He was rather illusive at first but one day, he pulled up a stool, sat down opposite me with a tankard of ale to sip while we talked. We spent a lovely afternoon getting to know each other. I learned all sorts of things about him, and some of them, like his wry sense of humor, surprised me.
SKY: *Smiles* Already sounds like my kinda guy. Give me a little insight into Ciaran’s personality. Is he cunning, aggressive, arrogant, kind, humorous─share all!
SILVER: Yes. All of the above. LOL. And add stubborn, honorable, caring, and open-minded. (He has to be in order to believe Becca has returned to his time from the future.) Ciaran is a warrior clann chief in 10th Century Ireland. The King of Connaught relies on his military expertise and aid. The people of Clann MacDermot depend on him to be fair and just and to defend them, too. He's also a lonely man. His cousin is quite the rake, his captain of the guard has a wife, and while Ciaran could bed any cailín in the village, he sleeps alone. Instinctively, he wants to love a woman's heart and soul, not just her body.
Ciaran rescues a battered Becca and installs her in his chamber to heal. In this excerpt, she's just awakened to discover him watching:
Becca sucked in her breath. That gorgeous guy lounged against the door jamb, leering at her.
“How long have you been there?” she sputtered.
Grinning lopsidedly, he affirmed her worst fear when he answered, “Long enough, cailín.”
The man positively purred at her, and she couldn’t keep her eyes from straying. Lord but he was tall, and all that black hair, not to mention… She jerked her gaze back to his face.
Ciaran really hadn’t meant to watch her get out of bed, but when she threw back the covers and was naked… Then she swung those magnificent legs over the side of the bed, and he couldn’t force his eyes to look away or his body to behave. He was pleased she’d boldly looked him over. Tit for tat, he thought. Then the delicate pink tip of her tongue swept across her bottom lip, and he almost groaned aloud. He knew the gesture was unconscious on her part, which made it even more enticing. When her top teeth tugged at her lip, it was all he could do to stand there. Every muscle in his body wanted to sweep her into his arms so he could kiss her soundly. She blushed and the fact she was embarrassed by her perusal of him amused a man who’d never been amused by a cailín before.
Defensively, she pulled the throw closer around her. “Do you mind?” she snarled pointedly.
“I don’t mind at all.” His masculine conceit fueled his smug grin.
Becca looked around for something to throw at his arrogant face. Guessing her intentions, he laughed before ducking out the door and tugging it closed behind him.
SKY: Suburb excerpt! Turning up the temperature─Why are readers going to fall in love with your hero-lust for him?
SILVER: Ciaran is a man who, when he falls in love, will do whatever it takes. That said, he is also a man of honor and sometimes, honor demands he walk away from the woman he loves in order to do his duty. He is also a romantic at heart. Proud, he can still show his gentle side. He is all Alpha Male. Arrogant. Strong. Completely sure of himself, despite Becca leaving him gobsmacked. Even so, he has a big heart and he loves his cailín with his entire heart and soul.
In this excerpt, Ciaran has been summoned by the king for an extended military campaign. There is much still to be settled between him and Becca, but it will have to wait until his return:
Becca wrapped the mantle around her like a toga. She ran from the room but stopped on the top step of the stairs, unaware her guard had stopped behind her. Men milled about the great hall, Niall and a few others shouting orders. Ciaran stood in the midst of it all, a wild warrior tall and strong.
She couldn’t breathe. He wasn’t just handsome. He was beautiful in the way the Rocky Mountains were with their rugged majesty, the way a desert sunset was all crimson fire, blazing across a blue sky, so brilliant one had to squint. Her eyes filled with rainbows as she blinked away tears.
Ciaran looked up and stopped breathing. Like some ethereal fae, Becca stood at the top of the stairs wrapped in his mantle. Her hair framed her face and bare shoulders in a golden nimbus. The subtle reds and grays of his plaid suited her. His chest swelled as he remembered to breathe. The sight of her standing on the stairs wearing nothing but his colors was one he would gladly take to his grave. He touched his heart with his fingertips then made a fist. Extending his clenched hand toward her, he opened his fist, hoping she’d understand.
Becca recognized what Ciaran’s gesture meant. She stretched out her hand and envisioned it gently wrapping around his. She drew back her fist, laid it above her heart and then spread out her hand. Ciaran had offered her his heart. In return, she’d taken over the safekeeping of it in her own.
Ciaran smiled at her, lust, need, and something deeper, more profound shining in his eyes. Becca kissed the tips of the first and second fingers on her left hand and blew him the kiss. He caught it and pressed his hand to his lips. Abruptly, he turned away from her, his voice rising above the babble around him.
“We ride!”
SKY: Another super excerpt. Ciaran sounds delicious! Thanks so much for visiting and sharing.
SILVER: Thanks for being such a terrific hostess, Sky. It's been my pleasure to be here.
About FAERIE FATE (available now):
FOUR STARS This is a wonderful mix of adventure and humor, with an unforgettable heroine who follows the voices in her head and travels back to a time of handfasting, dreamy Irish men and clan wars. Although Ciaran and his Irish ways are not new to romance novels, Becca is extremely humorous and fun, and makes the reader laugh out loud as she waltzes into yesteryear.
~Romantic Times Magazine
Captivating, Timeless and Passionate! Faerie Fate crosses the boundaries of time and faerie law to reunite two souls in the sacred binding of love. Silver James is a writer to watch!
~Jennifer Lyon, award-winning author of the Wing-Slayer Hunter Series (Ballentine)
About FAERIE FIRE (coming September 17, 2010):
“An expert blend of edgy romantic suspense and captivating magic, Silver James spins a tale that places the mystical heart of a paranormal into the rock hard torso of a suspense.”
~Roxanne St. Claire, national bestselling author (and Silver James fan!)
Don't forget, for a chance to win an Ecopy of Faerie Fate and a $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press main store be sure to leave a comment by Friday, July 16th 12 PM EST.
Wow, what an incredible launch to my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. But then again, who can deny an author as talented as Skhye Moncrief and a cover as steamin’ hot as Swordsong’s?
Won’t keep you waiting any longer. The winner of this week’s contest is…..Armenia. Congratulations! Please contact me at Skypurington@live.com to collect your prize.
Welcome! This week kicks off my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. It’s my pleasure to welcome back Skhye Moncrief who will be dishing out about her latest release, Swordsong. I have to tell you…I’m already droolin’ over the book cover! Naturally, there’s a contest involved. For a chance to win an Ecopy of Swordsong and a $6 gift certificate to the main store Wild Rose Press, be sure to leave a comment.
He's arrived to help her create the perfect bride.
He’s stuck in present-day Scotland with a bent time-travel key only she can repair. Duty requires he return to his time. His ticket home relies on a lonely woman haunted by more than apparitions. Her track record with men keeps her at a distance. And ghostly events keep pushing them closer together. Earning her trust will require the kind of patience only a valiant time guardian learns during his twenty years of apprenticeship. If time-travel duty, romance, and a bit of magic don’t help them realize their destiny resonates in mysterious fairy
SWORDSONG, all known history could change.
SKY: Welcome, thanks for joining me this week!
SKHYE: You’re very welcome!
SKY: Tell me, what inspired you to create your hero’s character? Did he simply form as you wrote or had he been in your mind for some time?
SKHYE: Oh, Murdo McEwen is just chivalry at its best. My Time Guardians were valiant (and all that noble stuff) long before I started inducting ex-special services guys from the present into The Cause. I decided to play on chivalry with Murdo to show how the Brothers study literature as much as the Sisters. And since my heroine Katie is a literature major in the present, the duo work well together as a couple. All Murdo’s recitations of Scottish love poetry win her over. ;) So, he’s all roses and whispers. That’s until shit hits the fan because Brothers are bodyguards for their soul mates. And Katie is about to learn how she is a member of the Time Guardian Orders by default! Anyway, he grew out of what she needed and what a Brother was rather quickly.
SKY: Sounds great! Give me a little insight into your hero’s personality. Is he cunning, aggressive, arrogant, kind, humorous─share all!
SKHYE: Uh, Brothers are all that in various situations. It depends on what the situation calls for. They must be able to acclimate in any time along the timeline. They are survivors. And then, they tend to pick up the humorous label after being exposed to the Scottish ambiance in the future during apprenticeship. Humor reflects intelligence. As for Murdo specifically, he is not arrogant but can be aggressive when he instigates paradox or someone goes after his maiden. Yep, he thinks of her as his maiden because Time Guardians are chivalric and medieval in the future.
A taste…
Wide Druid-blue eyes gazed up at Murdo. He lost his breath, then, found the unruly molecules. Fluctuating temperatures indicated shifts in electromagnetic radiation. Fairy movement. Most likely fey working with Seers. And the blonde rubbed her arms. Obviously chilled. Something was wrong.
“’Tis freezing where you stand.” He studied the doorway. “Don’t go out there alone.” His words sounded foolish.
Twentieth-century humans simply didn’t understand the powers of Seers.
She rubbed her arms frantically. “Aren’t you cold, Murdo?” Her sweet maiden lips trembled beside his chest where she frowned.
She spun to the door, arms whipping out, hands poised ready to react, legs firmly planted beneath her. “What do you want?”
Elemental or Seer. Naught was there but the post and lintel, stone masonry and a dark void. The spirit had come for Katie.
“What’s the matter, Katie?” Pam barked from behind him.
“No,” Katie yelled, springing into motion, lunging for the doorway.
Shit. The lass pushed something over her head.
Something invisible.
She flew back toward him and fell at his boots, arms scrabbling behind her for a handhold like a crab.
Guinevere pealed like a banshee.
He grabbed beneath Katie’s arms and hoisted her upward as the blaring female cacophony ricocheted off the stone walls. “What is it?” He searched Katie’s disturbed gaze.
She stared at the door, regaining her footing. “Stop laughing, you bastard.”
There had to be an intruder. Or spirit. But he only saw an empty doorway.
A quiet moment passed.
“No,” Katie screamed, reached out, seemingly blocking a blow with her forearm.
What did she see?
“What is it, Katie?” Pam shouted.
Katie had to stop reacting and fool the Seer. If she didn’t look, she wouldn’t react to the spirit. He grabbed the blonde maiden, crushing her gaze into his chest. “There’s naught there, Lass.”
Katie squirmed, fighting his grip. “He’s got a knife.”
He scanned the doorway for a person. Why would he expect to see the apparition? The Seer had only come for Katie.
She stilled in his arms.
Yet, her thundering heart hammered.
She wasn’t ready to believe his Post-Modern alchemical notions. Not with Truth hounding her in an astral projection.
The air warmed about them.
Probably more the heat from the fear in the chamber than an actual rise in temperature, but a rise in temperature would note the visitation had ended.
“Is he gone?” Murdo studied the doorway.
“I can’t see,” she droned.
Of course she couldn’t. He loosened his hold enough to permit her to look over her shoulder. Better to hang onto her with a spirit afoot.
Katie scanned the whole room. “He’s gone.”
The other females descended upon him. The three crowns bobbed beneath his chin as the other maidens’ arms grabbed Katie.
“What was it?” Guinevere simpered.
“Yes, tell us what you saw,” Pam commanded.
Out of the three, Murdo liked the masculine maiden most. She was all business. Very much a Brother in behavior.
“A large man in big black boots,” Katie gasped. “He laughed at us, shaking a knife over his shoulder. He was going to kill us.”
“I didn’t see him,” Guinevere managed to speak plainly.
“None of us did.” Murdo kept his hold on the maiden.
Katie shot him a bitter scowl.
Her pinched glare of betrayal wasn’t what the prize he wanted. “I’m not saying you didn’t, Lass.”
SKY: Great excerpt! Turning up the temperature─Why are readers going to fall in love with your hero-lust for him?
SKHYE: The cover makes most people I’ve spoken to lust. LOL Oh, seriously, choices, choices…
“I feel silly,” she admitted, gazing at the pinkening horizon. Here he was, Mr. Sentimental, watching the sunrise. And she’d screamed loud enough to wake the dead from Fort William to Inverness. Didn’t sentimentality rank up there with poetry recitations?
“No, Katie.” He wrapped a consolatory arm around her shoulders. “Watch him rise for duty.”
Lord. How could she watch the sun when he held her so intimately? How could she have behaved so stupidly?
The arm tightened around her.
Forget work. She could sit here all day.
His arm pulled her deeper into his drumming chest. “Before you bolted into the yard, I was recalling a poem.”
No way. “Oh?” She wasn’t about to admit her perfect knight in colorful tartan would recite Burns while veering her into the sunset. Sunrise would do just as nicely.
“I hadn’t finished.”
“Don’t let me interrupt.”
“I’ll tend thy chamber door all night-”
Poetry? She’d melt.
“And squire thee all the day. If sweetest sounds can win thy ear, these sounds I’ll strive to catch; thy voice I’ll steal to woo thyself, that voice that none can match. But if fond love thy heart can gain, I never broke a vow; no maiden lays her skaith to me, I never loved but you. For you alone I ride the ring, For you I wear the blue.” He stopped.
Applaud? Only a stupid girl would clap and disrupt the magic bubble around them.
What now? Slowly, she peered up at his glinting eyes.
His gaze was so intent he couldn’t want words. “I’m going to kiss you.” Why the wait? “Hurry.”
SKY: Another fantastic excerpt. Very romantic. And definitely, as I said earlier, that cover makes ya lust! Thanks so much for visiting and sharing!
SKHYE: No, thank you for having me here! Your time is so valuable. I truly appreciate the opportunity to talk about SWORDSONG.
What they're saying...
"Ms. Moncrief's SWORDSONG will have you hooked from the beginning until the "happily ever after." My biggest concern coming into this book was that it was the third one in a series. After a few pages, I was able to get a pretty good idea of what was going on. Some of the terminology was a bit confusing, but there was a glossary at the front of the book to assist with that. The author made it easy to pick up book three without reading the others...an entertaining read."
~Happily Ever After Reviews
Skhye's Time-Guardian series:
"Arthur is a masterpiece..." HE OF THE FIERY SWORD's King Arthur ~Diane Mason; The Romance Studio
"FORBIDDEN ETERNITY... spine-tingling suspense. The story is dynamite; it explodes off the page and leaves you breathless for more." ~Tulip, LASR
“THE SPELL OF THE KILLING MOON offers the best of spine-tingling suspense. The setting is perfect... Moncrief’s ability to wield magic and emotion are without compare. Her words twist together emotions and visuals until you experience this tale as if the trap were set for you. Some lines blend a kind of poetic magic: “Moonlight wove a special kind of magic, a spell so vacillating that a person never knew if reality were anything other than a dream.” Darkness and premonitions and deadly intent fill these pages... a unique blend of mystic Medieval Gothic and romance…and a true blood-curdling thriller." ~Snapdragon, LASR
"Intense, original, suspenseful, and dramatic... an unpredictable topsy-turvy romance... the suspense builds with every page in SACRIFICIAL HEARTS. In a world where symbols mean everything, magic is the way..." ~Snapdragon; LASR
Skhye hosts contests and gives away monthly her Time-Guardian fan kit at her newsletter group where she posts 3-5 times a month.
Thanks again for joining us this week. Don't forget to leave a comment by Friday, July 9th 12 PM EST for a chance to win an Ecopy of Swordsong and $6 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press.
Welcome! Make sure you mark your calendars. This Monday kicks off my Sizzlin’ Hot Heroes of Scotland, Ireland, England & Wales summer blog event. This time around it’s ALL about the men. What better way to heat up this summer than to crawl inside the pages of some fabulous stories and meet their dashing and oh-so-sexy UK heroes? As always, there will be contests. Each week now through September, leave a comment for a chance to win a free Ecopy of whatever novel is being discussed as well as a $6 gift certificate to the main store Wild Rose Press!
Interested in checking out which authors will be participating?
What an absolutely fabulous week! I’d like to once more thank Dawn Marie of Design by Dawn Marie for taking the time to visit my blog and offer such super giveaways. Is her jewelry unbelievable or what? It’s finally time to announce two contest winners. Drum roll please…
Congratulations, Crystal P. you won the The Teal Anklet!
Congratulations, Katsrus, you won the Heart Necklace!
Award-winning New Hampshire native, Sky Purington writes a cross genre of paranormal/fantasy romance heavily influenced by history. From Irish Druids to Scottish Highlanders many of her novels possess strong Celtic elements. More recently, her vampire stories take the reader to medieval England and ancient Italy. Make no mistake, in each and every tale told you'll travel back to another time and revisit the romanticism history holds at its heart. Sky welcomes feedback from readers and can be contacted at Sky@SkyPurington.com.
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Contest winners are selected by me using the random generator shown below. Each commenter who follows the rules given each week-whether it's to answer a question or simply comment-is assigned a number according to when they left their comment. For example: Jane comments first, then Sue, then Maria. Jane becomes #1, Sue #2, Maria #3. If the contest requires an answer to be left and Jane and Maria answer it, Sue does not, then Jane and Maria have entered the contest. Therefore, Jane is #1 and Maria is #2. Make sense? All numbers are then entered into the Random Generator. The number selected is therefore the winner. Make no mistake, I welcome those of you who choose not to enter the contest. Kind comments are always well received by visiting authors! Thanks so much. ~Sky
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