Just Imagine

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Friday, August 31, 2018

Time Travel Romance. Her Mysterious Highlander @JennaeVale

Today I’m thrilled to celebrate Jennae Vale’s latest release, Her Mysterious Highlander. Congratulations Jennae!! For those of you who love awesomely written time travel romance, be sure to check this one out!

About the Book

An outsider in two worlds, Taegen Boideach has learned to navigate through life by hiding his true identity. Although his mother is the queen of the elves, he is also half human and as such has been banished from their world to live a solitary life among people who would reject him if they knew his true identity.

Merry has lived a privileged life as a Mackall, where she's been protected and sheltered from the outside world. She's beginning to feel the need to spread her wings. Her attraction to the mysterious Taegen is the first step in Merry's determining her own path, but he's resistant and she doesn't understand why. New to love and its complications, Merry refuses to give up on him even as they approach imminent danger.

On a quest to save Scotland, Merry and Taegen are in the eye of the storm as they work together to destroy the Twin Sword and its maker, an evil sorcerer. Will they be successful in their quest? With the help of their elf and human companions, it's possible only if they can all learn to trust and accept each other, but old prejudices and preconceived notions may stand in the way of their success.

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Taegen Boideach rode alongside the Queen of the Elves. Evil was infecting the clans again and needed to be stopped. It would take nearly a week to reach their destination, and then he would put himself in danger while his mother, Anania, used her magic to control the evil sorcerer Ariweth. He was confident in her ability, she was the one that locked Ariweth in a cave all those years ago after all, but he did not share her power. He was only half elf, and thus did not possess magic like the rest of that kind.

She had arrived at Sinclair Castle, where he was a captain in the teulu, and asked for his help. They had never been close. Taegen was raised by humans and lived his entire life away from the elves at the command of the council. But she had said she needed him. He didn’t think it was possible for Anania to need anyone. She was strong and aloof, a queen in control of all that she saw at all times. He would not have refused her, she was his mother in addition to being the queen, but her vulnerability in that moment touched him and so despite the peril they would face he agreed to accompany her and do whatever was necessary to see their mission to a successful end. 

The elves that traveled with them did not approve. They knew who he was but did not welcome him. Judgment and contempt placed an invisible wall between them. He didn’t feel the need to break down that barrier. He didn’t care what they thought of him. It was his mother he was concerned about. He would protect her from Ariweth when the time came and he would protect her from these elves if there ever came a time when they might challenge her right to be queen. He glanced over to Anania in all her regal finery. She was every bit the queen and no one seeing her could ever deny it. She smiled warmly at him. A smile reserved only for him and never shared with others.

“We will stop first at Dunaill and visit with the Mackall Clan,” she said.

A vision of Merry Mackall came immediately to mind.  The thought of seeing her was good for his soul. He hadn’t seen her in months although she’d much been on his mind. He would look forward to that part of the journey, at least. Yes, seeing her would be a boon, but disconcerting at the same time. They had become friends, of a sort, when she visited the Sinclairs a few months ago. Her sister was now married to the laird. She had been the brightest spot in his life. He wasn’t worthy to even be her friend and it would be best to keep his distance, but that hadn’t stopped her from appearing in his dreams. She wasn’t here with him now and so his mind was free to imagine what it would be like to see her again, to hold her…

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Monday, August 13, 2018

Fierce Vikings. Powerful Romance. Viking King's Vendetta (Rise of the Dragon, Book 1)

Waving hello! Hope everyone’s having a great summer. As usual, I’ve been writing away and oh-so-happy to be spending time with my Vikings again. There’s just nothing like a droolworthy tattooed dragon shifter hottie from ancient Scandinavia!

I LOVED spending time with my Sigdir Vikings again as we set out on another adventure. This time around expect less history and more world-building, Norse mythology and of course, a wide variety of dragon shifters and their various personalities. I had so much fun meeting the next round of modern day women and the Vikings they may or may not be meant for. Expect the usual action-packed battle scenes and yes, steamy romance.

I fell in love with Sven and Emily in Viking Ancestors’ Kin when they were younger and adored bringing them together in Viking King’s Vendetta. They were amazing as they faced way more than they bargained for. Anyway, I’ll stop chatting and let you get to reading. Hope you enjoy!

About the Book

Taking a few months to reflect on what she truly wants from life, Emily returns to her family home in Winter Harbor, Maine. Yet she should have known her ties with ancient Scandinavia and those with dragon blood would catch up with her. Moreover, that her connection with the man she loves would be impossible to ignore. Something soon proved when he pulls her back in time to tenth century Norway.

Determined to help his people defeat a dark prophecy, Viking Sven Sigdir returns to his homeland to find two regions minus their beloved kings. Leaderless, both clans look to Sven to rule. Though willing to rise up, he must first uncover the root of the prophecy. That means reuniting with the woman who holds his heart and setting forth on a perilous journey.

Sven and Emily navigate not only their feelings for one another but the burgeoning prophecy that might take it all away. Will they be able to conquer their new adversary before it’s too late? Or is this just the beginning of something that will change life as they know it? Find out in Viking King's Vendetta, an action-packed time travel romance full of adventure, epic battles, sizzling passion, unexpected twists and powerful Viking dragon-shifters.


“I need to go to Sven.” She worked to remain strong and level, rather than let emotions get the better of her. “How is he?”

“As to be expected,” Samantha replied.

She knew full well what ‘as to be expected’ meant when it came to Sven. He was somewhere alone whittling wood deep in thought, not sharing a darn thing with anyone. So imagine her surprise when they arrived, and she heard him roaring orders.

“Loki’s hell,” she muttered before she sprinted through the village in his direction. She ran past cottages with their long sloping roofs and a medieval society that had long been her own. Though many murmured hello, there was no missing the somber feel of the place.

Determined to at least stop Sven’s ranting, she rushed in the front door of the main lodge and stopped short. Though she had intended to race into his arms and hug him like she had always done, she did nothing of the sort.

No, she just stared at him.

Dressed in black pants, heavy boots, and a black leather jerkin, he raked a hand through his ebony hair as he paced. Though he had always been extraordinarily handsome, he was more so now. Was he always so tall and broad? Did he always carry himself with such confidence? His features had always been striking, but even they seemed to have changed. Matured somehow into a face that made her breath catch and her heart skip a beat. 

His turbulent cobalt blue eyes turned her way. “Emily.”

That was it. That was all he said in a voice deeper than she recalled. But it was all she needed to snap out of her reverie and fly into his arms despite the annoying and very sudden shyness she felt. He didn’t say anything just wrapped her up in his arms like he had always done. Yet, not surprisingly, even that felt different. More encompassing.

That’s when she realized she was home.

It wasn’t the village or even the people but him. She pressed her cheek against his chest and inhaled deeply. She had missed his scent. Spruce, and woodland. Him. Sven. Her best friend.

“You are here,” he finally murmured, clearly relieved as he cupped her cheeks then brushed his lips across her forehead, just like he had always done. His eyes met hers. “I was worried about you.”

“Me too…I was worried…” She pressed her lips together, rallying her strength when she wanted to sob in relief. Now wasn’t the time for that. Like Samantha said, he needed her to be strong. That’s how they worked. If she was faltering, he was strong for her and vice versa. That was their thing.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Viking's Valor (Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon, Book 2)

It’s that time again!! Another Viking romance is right around the corner. If you love all things Norse, time travel and most especially dragon-shifters, be sure to check this out!

About the Book

Cursed by her dragon ancestor, Sage is at the root of a burgeoning prophecy that threatens her sisters. The only way to protect them is to leave Winter Harbor, Maine, and travel back in time to tenth century Scandinavia. Back to Håkon and Leif, the men she left behind. Two warriors pitted against each other to win her over so they might strengthen their position in an ongoing war. Yet when she arrives, she's captured by someone else entirely.

Set to annihilate his nemesis before he wreaks havoc and claims Sage as his own, Viking Håkon Sigdir pursues Leif. Until Sage is taken by Magnus of the Årud tribe. It then becomes a race to see who can save her first from the enemy's rogue ally. A race that turns into a battle of wills as their rivalry for Sage intensifies.

Sparks fly as an age-old vendetta ignites a love triangle that threatens not just the fate of Håkon's people but his very heart. Will Sage ultimately choose him or Leif? Will she see past the dark enchantment affiliated with her ancestor's prophecy and realize who is destined for her? Better yet, will she see clearly the evil imposter? Because if she falls for Leif's mock heroism rather than Håkon's genuine valor, the war will be lost.

Available now for pre-order at Amazon.

Series Overview

Long before the dawn of time on Midgard, or Middle Earth, war raged on the fiery world of Múspellsheimr. Dominant, restless creatures that were half man, half dragon forever struggled for more power. Two factions rose above the rest, crushing their opponents until none rivaled them but one another. Of equal strength and might, they fought for hundreds of years until the great serpent Níðhöggr met his end in the jaws of his double-headed rival. As he lay dying, the mighty dragon used the last of his magic to ensure his lineage would not be extinguished but resurrected by a dark prophecy. In his need for vengeance, Níðhöggr vowed his serpent offspring would someday destroy all trace of his nemesis. Therefore, he might from the afterlife, at last taste the glory of victory through his descendants. And so the story goes…