Only twenty-two days left until Christmas! Welcome to
A Writer’s Mind’s, WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS BENEATH HER CHRISTMAS TREE blog event. Today I’m thrilled to welcome over talented author, Michelle Miles. Sit back and enjoy your favorite festive drink while Michelle shares some holiday traditions. Be sure to answer her question in a comment for a chance to win an eCopy of her latest story,
Only For A Knight.
YULETIDE NOTE: I encourage you to leave a comment for a chance to win each featured author's given prize (Include email addy). Their individual winners will be announced in a comment after their post. In addition, be sure to enter the Rafflecopter provided after each post as often as you like for a chance to win the grand prize, three $30 Amazon Gift Cards, 12+ ebooks and over six print novels. Three winners drawn and announced December 26th, 2012. Click on 'Ready to be Served?' at the top of this blog to find the itinerary.
Let’s hear from Michelle…
It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again! Christmas is here. And it seemed like we just got through with summer. It astounds me at how fast the time flies. Even more so when I look at my son and how fast he’s growing up. Wasn’t he just born, like, yesterday?
But anyway. This post is about Christmas. The day after Thanksgiving is the day my husband and I have designated as Decorate For Christmas day. We’ve started collecting the little Victorian village buildings and our new thing is to buy a new one each year. He also likes to buy a Waterford crystal ornament every year. I think it’s these little traditions that help make the holiday so magical.
But what I love most about Christmas is getting together with my large clan. We’re a horde. I have two sisters and a brother, they’re all married, they have children and their children have children. There are nearly thirty of us and that’s just my immediate siblings, nieces and nephews.
So as you can imagine things can get kinda crazy around the holidays. It’s darn near impossible to get us all together on the same day. We usually end up having whatever the holiday is AFTER the official holiday. Like this year, Thanksgiving for us is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Then we all converge on my mom’s house because she’s the most centrally located (we’re all spread out). And we all bring a covered dish and have WAY too much food and stuff ourselves silly.
In recent years, because we’ve grown so big and most of the kids aren’t little anymore, we’ve started drawing names. The rule is anyone over the age of 18 gets their name thrown in the hat. This is great fun actually and it saves a ton of money because there is just no way everyone can buy for everyone. We’re not independently wealthy (not yet anyway).