Let’s hear from Caroline…
Ho, ho ho! I hope you’re looking forward to all the things you want under your tree this Christmas.
What’s better on a wintry day than curling up with the one you love? I’m so happy you asked. When the weather outside is frightful, all I want is to snuggle with my sweetie, my favorite beverage, and a sizzling book. If you feel the same way, I have a book to suggest, just as you knew I would!
First, let me tell you how I came to write SNOWFIRES. One year, my Hero and I took our children to visit our family in West Texas. When we had to stay an extra day due to an unusually heavy snow, our kids were delighted. Hero and I, not so much. Although my husband is a wonderful driver, people in this area are often inexperienced at driving in snow and present a hazard to everyone in their path. No snowplows because there aren’t that many blizzards. We have to wait for the DOT sand trucks. In heavy snow, we wait for the county road graders to push the snow off the rural roads.
Writers just can’t help playing “what if” with ideas. On our way home that trip, we passed many isolated areas. I wondered what would happen if someone had car trouble or became marooned in a storm? Even in good weather, cell phone service is often spotty in the ranching areas of West Texas. In bad weather, it’s non-existent. Rural electric and telephone lines fail under heavy snow and ice. Better and better, right? By that, I mean worse and worse for the characters. The more I thought about it, the more appealing the idea became.
For SNOWFIRES, I came up with a hero and heroine who didn’t agree on anything, but were forced to work together. Then, I managed to isolate them in a blizzard on a small West Texas ranch whose owners were not home the Sunday after Thanksgiving. And I complicated the couple’s lives as much as possible. Bwahahaha.

The cover is special because it reminds me of the night my husband and I were married. There were a couple of feet of snow on the ground and a bright, full moon overhead. Of course it was gorgeous and memorable, and we still mention it today. But then, we’re both romantics at heart.
Here’s the blurb for SNOWFIRES:

I hope you’ll want to read SNOWFIRES. Available at Amazon Kindle and Smashwords.
I hope you’ll join me on my own blog, http://carolineclemmons.blogspot.com, where you can sign up for Caroline’s Occasional Newsletter and be entered to win a Kindle Fire 3G on December 15th, 2012.
Facebook at www.Facebook.com/Caroline Clemmons Romance
Twitter at @CarolinClemmons (no E in Caroline)
Thanks to Sky for hosting me at her beautiful blog. Thank you for reading.
Sky here. Caroline, what a wonderful post! It's so true that we writer's are always asking 'what if'. I do it all the time. *grins* And what a setting you and your husband had when you got married. I love it! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Readers, don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win Caroline's giveaway and enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win even more!
THEN, once you've wrapped up here, be sure to head over to CAROLINE'S BLOG and sign up for her Newsletter to be entered to WIN a Kindle Fire 3G on December 15'th!!!
Sky, I'll be giving away a copy of SNOWFIRES to someone who comments. Thank you again for hosting me today.
I would Love to win.....All the more reason is because I'm from TEXAS!!! Weatherford to be exact...so this book is right up my alley!!!:) hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!!
Plus thank you for doing a giveaway!!!
Hi Caroline and Sky,
What an interesting post, Caroline. I'm a Texas gal too and love west Texas. We lived there for several years and hubby and I are always mentioning how we miss it.
I'm not a fan of Christmas novels. I don't know why. But I have to say, yours caught my interest because of the totally different slant.
I'd love to win it but if I don't, I'll get a copy asap.
I've never been to Texas, but it sounds warm to me. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. leann
I've never been to Texas. My husband goes to Houston all the time. I think it might be a bit warm for me ;). This sounds like a good read. Thank you.
The books sounds awesome! I also live in Texas...Dallas area.
Thank you Sky, for introducing me to yet another talented author!
Angela Love is my winner, but I need an email addrss to gift a copy of the book.
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