Just Imagine

Feeling chatty?

Welcome to my blog! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and read what's on my mind. I've a vicious sense of humor, an apprecation for romance and a mad addiction to writing.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tight & Fresh. Time to Re-launch. My latest Book Trailers. The King's Druidess and Fate's Monolith.

Welcome! Very soon, in honor of my Dad, I'll be re-launching my MacLomain series. These four tales are very close to my heart. After all, my husband derives from the MacLomain clan and I'm of the Broun clan. The revised versions pack some punch and are definitely meant for a mature audience.

I've finished the first two new book trailers for the re-intro of these tales. Hope you like them! (No worries, I'll let you know when they're available for download)

Speakers up, lassies.

The King's Druidess: The MacLomain Series- Prelude

Fate's Monolith: The MacLomain Series- Book 1

Best Always,


Hywela Lyn said...

Congratulations on your new releases, dear friend. I read all these first time around and look forward to reading them again.

Wonderful job on the trailers! Very atmospheric!

Wishing you many, many sales and even more success with these, dear Sky.

Sky Purington said...

Thank you so much, Lyn! Hopefully everything will be 'live' by week's end! :-)