Welcome back! You’ve arrived just in time. Why you ask? It’s day two of
A Writer’s Mind's, End of week CHARACTER BLOWOUT. In case you’re new to this blog, this particular event draws a strong parallel to
The Newlywed Game. On Thursdays, I interview the heroine from some of your favorite tales. On Friday, the hero. Before it’s all said and done, we get to see how well these characters really know one another. So far this event has been crazy fun. Well, hang on tight. This interviews about blow your mind!
Because this event is so brand spanking new, I’m adding snippets from the heroine’s interview alongside the hero’s responses today.

This week I’m exceedingly thrilled to have over Zoe O’Brian and Axl Wolfdorn from Alisha Paige’s, CIRCLE CITY: Lord of the Wolfen ~ Book I. I highly recommend that you take a peek at
ZOE’S FULL INTERVIEW. Her ‘voice’ really shines through. She’s one heck of a gal! And aren't you curious what she looks like?
Today, it’s all about too-hot-for-words, Axl. Totally lovin’ this interview.
As a reminder, there is a contest running. One lucky commenter will win an ebook of CIRCLE CITY. The winner will receive a coupon from Smashwords for a free book, available in any ebook format. Contest ends 12 AM EST, Sunday, May 29th.
Before we continue I’d like to give you brief idea of what CIRCLE CITY is all about.
On the edge of civilization, there is a place called Circle City, Alaska. The last town before the Yukon Flats gives way to frigid desolation. When Zoe O'Brien, a secluded widow, kills a crazed mother wolf and saves the only cub from sure death, she ignites a war between the Wolfen Clan and the Kontar Clan. The wolf people have been enemies of the dog people for centuries and the cub she takes in is heir to the Wolfen throne. Taken prisoner by the Wolfen for murder and kidnapping, Zoe is forced to see and do things with creatures she never knew existed, held against her will in a world she both desires and fears. Axl Wolfdorn is coming of age, ready for his Unleashing and on the hunt for his Moonswan, the female he will choose for the Chase and the royal Feral Consummation. But how can he consider bonding with a mate when the only scent deep within his nose is the tangy scent of the woman who saved his life, the very woman who forced his clan into war, the woman he must now kill to avenge his mother's death?
Alrighty. Sky rubs hands together in anticipation. Are you ready to talk to Axl? I know I am! Here we go…
SKY: Axl, tell us a little bit about you.
AXL: Hey, ladies. Wow. There’s a lot of girls out there. How ya doing? I’m Axl. Axl Wolfdorn, future Lord of the Wolfen. But hey, keep it on the down low. No one but the Kontar knows we exist. I’m next in line to be king. We live in Circle City, Alaska, aka the boonies. And yeah, it IS cold enough there to freeze the balls off a pool table. Yeah, I know, bad joke but I heard it from a human so blame him. We like it cold. Cold enough that most sane people stay far away. There’s only about a hundred humans living in Circle City. We’re able to hide our underground caverns even from those close by. Well, a few have found out but we can easily erase their memory. We’ve lived in the caverns for 1500 years, surviving by sheer will and determination. The gold rush of the 1800’s provided us with a boatload of cash so we’ve been living high on the hog for a while. Until now. We had to experiment with some new businesses and I think we’ve found our niche. I grew up fast. Literally. Wolfen pups grow to adulthood very quickly. Our schooling is only a few months. As short as my childhood was, it was filled with heartache after the loss of my mother and all my siblings. Life is good now though. Now that I have Zoe.
(Zoe’s response… I’ve had a hard life. I was married to the man of my dreams with a precious two year old son. My life changed one tragic night when our car wrecked, falling off the side of a bridge. I survived but sometimes I wish I was dead too. My husband was found downstream. Dead. I never saw my son again…)
SKY: Great to ‘meet’ you, Axl. Sounds like you’ve had a rough time. I’m so glad you found Zoe. Remembering the moment you first laid eyes on her, what thoughts come to mind?
AXL: The very first time I saw her was when she rescued me. I had fallen into a frozen pond and nearly drowned, running from my crazed mother. Zoe came in after me, pulled me from the water and took me to her cabin. I remember her wrapping me in a quilt and cuddling me beside a warm fire. That is my first memory of her. All love, tenderness and warmth for a total stranger.
Now, the first time I saw her when I was an adult was more exciting than I ever imagined. She was held captive and caged. I had no idea she was being kept in a cage. Don’t get me started. It still angers me to no end! Anyhow, when I found out my grandfather had ordered she be locked in a cage, I went to her. I wanted to save her like she saved me. She was being punished for saving me! That first time I held her, I just wanted to carry her off. Leave all the Wolfen behind and go far, far away from all that mess. But of course I could not. I had my grandfather to contend with and he’s very old fashioned. I figured out a way to save her life AND satisfy the old wolf. Holding her in my arms for that short time reminded me of how kind she was to me. Hey, listen, I fell in love with her as a kid. But as a man, I was smitten. Completely and totally ridiculously in love with her. And to know that I was the cause of her imprisonment just killed me. Seeing her for that first time as a grown man forced me to focus on what I needed to do. That little boy was gone. Seeing the love of your life caged will stir emotions you didn’t know you had.
(Zoe’s response… I thought, oh my goodness, I have to save that sweet baby wolf!...
Oh…you probably want to know what it was like when I first saw him as a man, right? Gotcha. My heart races just thinking about it. I’d been held captive by the Wolfen for so long, I had no idea what day it was. He had no idea I was kept in solitary but the day he found out, he forced a servant to take him to me, rushed inside and held me to him….
…he fell in love with me long ago and seeing him in the flesh…well, let’s just say that if a dead woman could come back to life, that did it. I was alive again, even though I was sentenced to die….)
SKY: Axl, you’re such a romantic alpha male! *Sky swoons* Recipe for perfection. Zoe has one trait you adored from the start. What is it? Hands down, she appreciates one of your traits…what do you think that is?
AXL: Oh. That’s easy. Her forgiving nature and her open mind. I mean, come on, how many women could you imprison and then force to marry you in a ritual that would shock most humans? Wolves live in packs. They also love in packs and there’s a reason for that. She’s my Moonswan, my wife, my soulmate but a wolve’s sex drive is off the charts. There’s a reason the Wolfen have a haremlik. And Zoe has never been bothered by this. She has blended into our world perfectly, a magical world she never knew existed. A world with many, many public rituals that in her world would probably be illegal. Pretty sure they are. She adapted well and she thrived in our world, even surprising herself. Not many humans would understand our world. She always tried to understand me and more than that..she never tried to change me. If anything, she adapted herself to my world, to please me. If that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is. She’s an amazing woman, my Moonswan.
What trait of mine does she appreciate? She can deny it all she wants and she does to her girlfriends but she loves that I’m the alpha. She likes being told what to do and yeah, hey, don’t get all bent out of shape. I know she’s my equal and deserves all the respect in the world. I guess it’s all about role playing. She likes to be taken care of even though she is really the nurturer. She loves a man in charge. You should ask her what naughty word she likes me to call her sometimes. (Axl chuckles.) Most of you would probably be shocked. (Axl looks at Sky as she stares him down. He clears his throat.) Nevermind. She can tell you if she wants. Put it this way, she likes a man being in charge. She told me so.
(Axl leans over and whispers to Sky. “That wasn’t too arrogant was it?” Sky’s eyes widen as she shakes her head and continues.)
(Zoe’s response… His heart. He’s always worried about me. If I’m comfortable, if I’m happy, if I’m hungry. He’s a sweetheart. He treats me like a princess….)
SKY: Arrogant? *Snickers* Add that to the recipe for perfection. To a degree of course. But it sounds like Zoe’s got you all figured out, Axl. Dear Lord, I want to know what the naughty word she calls you is!!! You SO left us hanging! *Shakes head* Really need to read CIRCLE CITY! Now, Zoe has one trait you’d change if you could. What is it? You figure there’s probably a trait she might want to change about you… care to share?
AXL: That’s a tough one. There’s isn’t much I’d change about Zoe. I lied. There isn’t a thing I’d change about her. She’s almost too perfect. Just a very easy going, loving, free spirit. I love that about her. All calm and serenity. She’s my peaceful place. If I had to try to nitpick, I’d guess I’d say that she could have been a tiny bit jealous of the haremlik. Now I’m sure if she was super jealous, that would have gotten old real fast. Insecurity sucks, especially when you’re in love like we are but yeah, she could have whined a little more and begged me to bed her instead but seriously….(Axl coughs, looks down, runs a hand through his hair)…the poor woman was just too exhausted to protest. Like I said, THERE IS A REASON FOR THE HAREMLIK and it has nothing to do with my love for another woman or my desire for anyone but her. She is my elixir.
What would she change about me? (Axl rubs his chin, squints his eyes.) Maybe I’m over confident. That happens with alphas. So I hear. Hell, I know I can be a bastard. I almost lost her. I can be a stupid jerk. She’s very forgiving. I try not to take her for granted now. I really do.
(Zoe’s response… he tends to be a tad stubborn. When the man’s mind is made up, there’s really no talking to him…)
SKY: I agree insecurity in a partner sucks. Then again, the wrong man can all but breed it in a woman. I’m thinking you’re the RIGHT sort of man, Axl. Love is in the air. What is the single most romantic thing you’ve done for her?

AXL: Forcing her into marriage in order to save her life. She tells me it was beyond sexy, even though she was in total shock. I had to choose a Moonswan at my Unleashing. Everyone thought I’d choose Dori. Dori had been groomed for royalty but I was never in love with her. Arranged marriages usually never work out. We were more like best school friends. We grew up together. Zoe had saved my life. I fell in love with her that very day. Even as a kid, I knew I’d always love her even if I never saw her again. When the idea came to me, a huge weight was lifted. It was as if the Creator instructed me on how to save her life and it was the perfect decision for everyone. There was no way in hell I would consider killing this woman to avenge my mother’s death. I would have rescued her and taken her away if I had to. By forcing her into marriage, my grandfather’s death warrant was cancelled. Hey, listen, I can choose whoever I want to marry. Most Wolfen don’t choose their Moonswan at the Unleashing but I did. And for good reason. I know I sound like a caveman, forcing her into marriage but that really was the only way. I wasn’t sure she felt the same way about me as I did about her. I’d have helped her escape after the wedding if that was what she wanted but this incredible woman loves me too. I had no idea. I just knew she’d hate all the Wolfen after being thrown in prison for saving a wolf. Who wouldn’t, right? It had to have been a Halloween nightmare come to life for her. People who live underground and shift into wolves? (Axl laughs.) Maybe she was just in total shock. Who knows? I know I’m just lucky as hell that I forced her to marry me. And even luckier that she stayed and loved me back.
(Zoe’s response… Well…that’s a bittersweet memory. He wanted to surprise me by taking me back to my old cabin, surrounding me with all my old stuff for a romantic evening. I was so touched. We would have had a great time but someone crashed our party….)
SKY: Oh, you really are utterly romantic, Axl. I think any woman reading your responses would completely agree. And oh yeah, I’ll bet we’d all be just fine being forced to marry you! *Winks* Zoe has a feature that draws your eye every time. Care to share? She can’t stare at you enough… but where is she staring? Now’s the time to gloat about your thick head of hair. *Sky sniggers* Truth! Do you think it’s your eyes? Chest? Etc.
AXL: Her best feature? God! Her lips!! She has the most incredible lips. I get shivers just thinking about her kisses. She has the face of an angel and the lips of a godess. (Axl closes his eyes and smiles.)
What does she stare at? Well..uh…I think I know the REAL answer but I’ll keep this G rated or PG at least. I know she loves my eyes. I was born with one brown eye and one blue eye. She says they’re hypnotic. (Axl glares at Sky.) What do you think? (He tosses his hair over his shoulder.) Good thing I looked her in the eye when I told her she’d have to do as I told if she wanted to keep living. Still can’t believe I practically guaranteed her death if she didn’t obey me and she thought it was hot. (Axl shrugs.) Women are goofy like that.
(Zoe’s response… I really love the entire package! But if I had to pick one feature, it would be those big guns of his…sigh…nothing like being wrapped up in his rock solid arms. And his eyes…wow…he has one blue eye and one brown eye. I get lost….
… Where do his eyes roam? To my lips. Always. He says they taste like candy. The man will suck on them…okay, this might be TMI but we’re all girls here, right? ***giggle*** He sucks on my lower lip and oh my…..(deep sigh)…he’ll linger there forever, just nibbling, licking…)
SKY: You can get
Rated R with us all you like, Axl. Totally allowed! (Sky looks around. Yep, Zoe’s standing just off stage shaking her head) Heavy swallow. Good that you kept it PG, Axl! Back to the interview. How do you think Zoe would answer the following… Our favorite thing to do together is…?
AXL: Easiest answer in the world. Our favorite thing to do is shut out the entire world, wait until the kids are asleep, open the roof during a full moon and chase each other into the woods. Nothing like a good Chase. The real prize is when I catch her. And no, she never chases me. I ALWAYS chase her. I like it that way and so does she. (Axl folds his arms over his massive chest and grins.)
(Zoe’s response… (Clears throat and tosses hair over her shoulder) I’m pretty sure I’ll get this right. If he were to answer this question he’d say our favorite thing to do together is to relive the Chase…
…For those of you who don’t know, the Chase follows the Unleashing of male Wolfen and ends in the Feral Consummation. Let me put it in lay terms for you. He chases me into the woods until he catches me and once he does, he…uh…well, I’ll let you take a guess…)
SKY: Don’t you love how they both toss their hair over their shoulder? *Wide smile* You and Zoe don’t see eye to eye on what issue?
AXL: Political junk. She’s one of those bleeding heart whatever you call them in the human world. If someone or something crosses into our territory, I don’t like it. Not one bit. We don’t have illegal aliens in our neck of the woods. Well, I guess that’s wrong..there a few Kontar who live in Circle City but they’re all female dogs who came seeking refuge from that bastard Scar, king of the dogs. And there are a few Kontar who married Wolfen, pretty much for the same reason, to escape Scar, searching for a better way of life.
(Zoe’s response… On war. I’m all peace and love…)
SKY: She said one thing to you that you’ll never forget. What was it?
AXL: I love you, my Moonswore. There was a point in our marriage when I thought I’d lost her completely. And I sure as hell deserved it. When I heard those words, I thought I’d died and gone to the Woodlands.
(Zoe’s response… He called me his Moonswan. That is the most lovely word in the world. Becoming his wife was a dream come true and to hear that word leave his lips and use it to refer to me was one of the happiest moments of my life.)
SKY: Axl, it was FANTASTIC having you visit. There is no doubt in my mind that you’ve found the love of your life. Wishing you many, many chases together throughout the years!
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HERE to read what Alisha had to say.
The weekend's nearly here. Whoo Hooo! Be sure to swing in tomorrow as Alisha debuts the trailer for CIRCLE CITY in
A Writer's Mind BOOK TRAILER BREATHER feature. I've already watched it. Simply outstanding!