Just Imagine

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Thank You, United States Veterans and Active Service. Bloggers, are you living inside your own lil' box like me?

Due to my ongoing blog event I was unable to post yesterday. I would like to wish all veterans and currently active service members a belayed Happy Veteran’s Day.

Can I be honest? Some days I forget. I get up in the morning and go about my day’s business. Has my son completed his school project? What do I need at the grocery store? Did I remember to promote a certain story? What’s next for the characters in the story I’m currently writing?

Then I remember.

I wouldn’t have any of these thoughts if it weren’t for America’s veterans and active service members. If it weren’t for you brave men and women, I wouldn’t possess the freedom to live the life I lead now. So I say Thank You to everyone who has served in the United States Military.

This post is simple. Written to remind. I’ve included three glimpses into what's going on when I'm busy living my life...when you're busy living your life...

An Army soldier in Iraq with his tiny "plot" of grass in front of his tent.

Here is a soldier stationed in Iraq, in a big sand box. He asked his wife to send him dirt, fertilizer and some grass seeds so he can have the sweet aroma and feel the grass grow beneath his feet.

If you notice, he is even cutting the grass with a pair of scissors. Sometimes we are in such a hurry that we don't stop and think about the little things that we take for granted.
This next video is superbly done. Honestly? I teared up when I watched it. It's just so outside my reality and frankly, it did good reminding me of what's going on outside of my 'lil' box. (I'll bet these guys & gals would love to worry about something as simple as what they need to get for groceries!) NOTE: To get back to this page after the video click the left hand arrow in the upper left hand side of your screen or your previous page option. Click HERE to watch this amazing video, a Tribute to our Troops. Background music is a classical version of Homeward Bound.

I thought the following a very good example of American Pride. How it sometimes catches you by surprise. Below is a letter written by a funeral attendee of a deceased soldier about a gang of bikers.

A funeral is NOT a place to protest. This letter was published by Freedom’s Heroes Website.

Many thanks to all of you who made this event special. It is always difficult but is the most important thing we can do for a deserving family.

Below is my account.

The support from all corners was extraordinary. Casualty and survivor assistance to the family was well done and much appreciated. The ceremony was a celebration of a young man. His scout leader and youth minister talked of his faith and his desire to one day be a soldier. His High School Junior ROTC leaders spoke of his commitment,leadership and abilities. His comrades in arms spoke of his leadership. The Army family was evident. His grieving widow was flanked by an NCO sent to represent the platoon, the parents of the company commander and the parents and siblings of his buddy in theater. They sent a Video of the Unit Memorial Ceremony in Iraq. That young soldier called to the ceremony to ask his Dad to make sure the tribute was appropriate. It was. Four soldiers from his previous unit in the 82nd were there to aid the family and to grieve with them. In short, leaders around the Army recognized the importance of a proper tribute to a fallen soldier. His widow expressed unfathomable heartbreak at loss she and two young children would bear. But she reported that her husband died with people he loved, doing what he loved. Soldiering was what he always wanted.

There were two unusual groups present. First was a protest group who had publicly announced their intent to be at the ceremony. Second was an uninvited motorcycle group. When I arrived an hour before the ceremony I noticed 25 Harley Davidson motorcycles lined up in the corner of the parking lot and 30 appropriately attired riders engaged in idle conversation with the local police. About that time a group of protesters arrived and began to deploy along the street. Amazingly, the motorcyclists moved as one to become their black leather shadows. I went inside to the ceremony. The ceremony was a fitting tribute to a great soldier but I confess to worrying what we might find outside.

When we emerged there were no protesters. As the funeral procession departed, we passed between two lines of leather clad cyclist at rigid attention and present arms, or with hands over their hearts. There were more than a few tearing eyes. They quietly mounted their motorcycles and followed the procession to Leavenworth Veteran Cemetery, where they stood solemn watch over rendering of full military honors. Afterward,I thanked one of their leaders. There was no violence, but the presence of these men spoke volumes about respect and honor. Their presence was both powerful and to some, I'm sure, intimidating. The leader's comment to me: "its an honor sir. Call us any time. Sometimes we can do things that the police can't."

Indeed. They were the combat veteran's cycle club of St Joe Missouri.

God Bless.
Jim Warner

I second that. God Bless.


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