Death and Damages
A Mystery and Thriller Collection
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24 Full Length Books ~ One Million Words
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Death's Shadow by Dariel Raye and Muffy Wilson How far would you go to bring your twin's killer to justice?
Lucky Shores The Long Road Home by Kerry J Donovan
When newly-qualified doctor, Chet Walker, rescues two
children from their abusive father, he puts at risk everything he holds dear.
Suicide Blonde by Karen M. Bryson
She's not a police detective, but she played one on
television, and now she must solve her sister's murder.
Double Blind by Dan Alatorre
Two detectives hunt a serial killer, but the killer's
hunting them.
A Vision A Day Keeps the Killer Away by Kelly Hashway
For psychic P.I. Piper Ashwell, seeing isn't always
believing--and she's running out of time to piece together the clues before
this kidnapping turns into a murder.
Facing the Past by Alexa Padgett
A childhood tragedy. An unsolved murder. In the quest to
rewrite her family's past, Danielle Patterson could lose her future.
Drawing Thin by Patricia Loofbourrow
In a city controlled by the Mob, when the choice is to
play by the rules or save a child's life, even a good cop can be pushed too
Dismal by Tiana Laveen
The prey becomes the predator when Dr. River Michelet
serves a bit of street justice. Welcome to South Bend, Indiana, where the
people are nice, the accents are Midwestern, and the killers are the 'boy next
Never Again by Angela Sanders
She fought to leave her past behind her, but for
Charlotte, there is no escape.
Double Illusion by Deborah Shlian
A reporter and the nurse he loves put each piece of a
deadly puzzle into place while a terrifying secret waits in the shadows...
Vengeance by John Ling
Maya Raines is a spy who must hunt down the ultimate
target: her father's murderer.
Burning Secrets by Jane Blythe
They each had secrets; one of those secrets got them all
Grayout by Bill Hargenrader
Sometimes imaginary enemies are the most deadly.
The Scarlet Stiletto by Maggie Carpenter
Manhattan: 1938. A blonde bombshell walks into the office
of a private detective. In her hand, a bloody stiletto. Did the mob kill her
gangster husband, or did she?
Veiled Conspiracy by JaNese Dixon
He's provoking her killer, one word at a time.
Missing You by Shereen Vedam
A wild hunt is on to find a missing cat and retrieve an
ancient stolen jewel.
Beach Traffic by Judith Lucci
A college reunion on the Outer Banks of North Carolina
turns deadly when a woman is found murdered and five others are reported
Sharpe Note: Sour Grapes of Wrath by Lisa B. Thomas
You're never too old for a midlife crisis.
Mine by Fiona Quinn
A sleepy town in southwest Virginia wakes up to a
nightmare of untimely deaths.
Gone by P. Creeden
With a new job in a small town, Ella thought she could
get away from big crime. She was wrong.
The Last File by Siera London
A killer's last move. A detective's last chance.
The Missing by Terry Keys
Someone is out there waiting... watching...
Qualified Immunity by Aime Austin
One thread pulled, everything unravels.
Love Thy Sister by Maria Grazia Swan
Mina Calvi's idyllic life in a California mansion came
with a price. And now the grim reaper is here to collect.
24 Full Length Books ~ One Million Words
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Death and Damages: A Mystery and Thriller Collection
Publication date: November 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Thriller
Danger lurks around every corner!Courageous cops, adventurous agents, and daring detectives hunt for the answers to stop crimes by vicious killers.But what if the damage is already done?Inside these pages you’ll find 24 adventures full of captivating conundrums, hair-raising homicides, and suspenseful secrets from today’s USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning authors.Become a private investigator yourself. Inspect plots of deadly assassins, cold-blooded killers, and bone-chilling suspense inside the pages of DEATH AND DAMAGES, an enthralling mystery and thriller boxed set.Fans of Lee Child, James Patterson, Gillian Flynn, Paula Hawkins, and John Grisham will devour these puzzling mysteries and gripping thrillers.
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24 Full Length Books ~ One Million Words
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Included are stories from several NYT, USA Today, WSJ and Award-Winning Bestselling authors.
Muffy Wilson and Dariel RayePatricia Loofbourrow
Pauline Creeden
John Ling
Alexa Padgett
Siera LondonShereen VedamDeborah ShlianKelly HashwayMaggie CarpenterTiana LaveenAngela SandersKaren M. BrysonAime AustinLisa B. ThomasFiona QuinnKerry J. DonovanJane BlytheDan AlatorreJa’Nese DixonTerry KeysBill HargenraderJudith LucciMaria Grazia Swan
Death's Shadow by Dariel Raye and Muffy Wilson
Everyone gets what they deserve. Everybody knows that.
Hell, it didn’t matter anyway.
She was proof. What was a good Catholic college girl doing walking the streets
in the wee hours before dawn? She could hardly reconcile the two opposing
lifestyles herself.
was all alone on the barren, black, wet streets. Curiously, she was unafraid to
walk the night with the underbelly of society. The longer she followed this
path, the more accustomed she became to living in the darkness.
was likely identical to the night her sister was murdered. She was probably
troubled by the same things—haunted by the depths of her own depravity, or at
least her own actions, but she was doing what she had to do...for Tatianna. She
owed it to her. The click-clack of her heels on the sidewalk announced her
approach as she headed…where? Home? That was a laugh. It made her think of the
first time—her first time, maybe her sister’s first time—on the streets and in
the black flesh pits of San Francisco that served up watered down whiskey, easy
women and the finest drug connections money could buy, cheat or steal.
in the black lies hidden by the night, she did whatever she needed to do to find
out what happened to her sister, even when it meant entertaining the sleaziest
the streets had to offer. The rain always had that effect, kept the good ones
home while the creeps washed out of every skank black hole. The things she’d
done in the name of finding Tatianna’s killer would have sent her careening
toward confession immediately after puking her guts out, but there was no time
for that.
police didn’t know and had no more leads. What else could she do? She had to
find out. She had to help. At least, she had to try.
she got swept away in the trying, caught up in a life she no longer recognized
as her own.
pelted the street even harder as she continued along the sidewalk. It was
getting harder to remember the differences between her sister’s face and her
own. The details of Tatianna’s face seemed to fade more and more as time
passed. Sometimes, she felt so lost, it was hard to remember why she was here.
It was getting harder and harder…and easier, too. There were nights she
couldn’t bear to think about who killed her
sister and there were nights she could think of little else. She couldn’t believe the police actually laughed
at her. Clearly, they had no intentions of doing anything. She was the only one
who cared.
line between purpose and obsession became obscure. The fact that
she was here proved she’d already crossed it.
tonight, she avoided eye contact, her way of saying she was closed for business
as she headed to her one-bedroom flat.
was a wild thought afloat that nothing positive ever happens until you hit the
very bottom of the abyss. Nothing positive had even begun to happen in her life.
Guess she had further to fall, since she clearly had not hit rock bottom. Until
then, she entertained herself with the thought of finding her sister’s killer
and wiping those mocking grins off the police officers’ faces.
turned at the sound of a heavy, male voice across the street. Despite the rain,
his tone made his intentions clear. She didn’t have to see him up close. Fan-fuckin’-tastic. Another creep.
Apparently, she had one more interview to perform before the night ended. No
names, no “what do you do for a living”, no talk about wives, lovers, divorces
or kids. Those were her rules and if they wanted to fuck her, they did it on
her terms and that included answering her questions.
rhythmic thudding of heavy boots coupled with splashing water snatched her away
from her thoughts to face the approaching customer. Sighing, she resigned
herself to one more. Clear, simple, no muss no fuss…and no lying or kissing.
She didn’t want to kiss the underbelly of society, and she didn’t abide lies
well. They could save the lies and facades for someone else – someone who cared
enough to keep things pleasant. She reached into her over-shoulder bag and
whipped out Tati’s picture, always hoping against hope. Maybe this one would
supply a lead.
Vengeance by John Ling
Maya Raines hated the idea of walking into a trap, but she decided to do it anyway. She was dressed in a Muslim robe — long and loose and rustling in the wind. Her face was covered by a veil. She carried a grocery bag as she moved along the sidewalk, being careful not to trip on the pockmarked concrete and scattered rubble. All around her, ominous black flags hung from the shopfronts and soared from the rooftops, declaring the rise of an Islamist caliphate. And just ahead, a roadblock had been set up, manned by jihadi fighters. A modified pickup truck — a technical — was parked on the intersection, with a machine gun mounted on its rear bed. Maya could hear Arabic being spoken in the distance. It sounded harsh and strident; completely different to the gentle melodic rhythm of the Malay language that she was used to. These men were foreign Sunnis. They had come from as far afield as Egypt and Libya, drawn to Malaysia by the promise of killing local Shiites. Maya felt the slow burn of anxiety in her stomach…
Facing the Past by Alexa Padgett
“Hank. Thirteen hours. At dawn, Jonathan, gone for thirteen hours.”
Hank turned toward Nancy, his look hollow. Nothing moved across his face, through his eyes. He tilted his head, marginally interested as she swallowed then gasped for air. Hank closed his eyes. “I can’t see any better in the dark than they can,” he said. “You heard the detective say they brought in the dogs. A helicopter from Fort Worth. It’s a full-scale search, almost everyone in town was out looking till it got too dark.”
A faint hum. Louder, a thwap, thwap overhead, a blinding spotlight. Again.
“They could miss him from up there.”
“We’ve already missed him,” Hank shot back, eyes glinting in the semi-darkness.
Nancy shrank back, away from him.
He lowered his head nearly to his knees. Inhaled, exhaled. “My son.”
Cicadas hummed, pressing their bodies against the house.
Nothing could hold them together. Not with Jonny missing.
A whippoorwill called. Hank stood there, between the foyer and the living room where Nancy huddled.
“What are we going to do?” she asked him.
Another pass from the helicopter. A dog barking.
Hank hesitated again before seeming to consciously lift his leg to step into the room.
He lay his hand on her shoulder, fingers against her collarbone, his face telling Nancy he was too used up to do more as darkness crowded out the faint porch light.

Death and Damages
A Mystery and Thriller Collection
99 cents
24 Full Length Books ~ One Million Words
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo /