I know, odd thing for an American female romance writer to say but seriously… who knew? I’ve lived in the land of sexy highland Scots for so long that when I came up for a breath of air (that sounded dirty, but you know what I mean) it turned out the series had led me to a male born and bred on my very own soil.
A Boston guy to boot!
But the fact of the matter is I do love my New England boys. In fact, I married one. Perhaps it was because we shared a local, traditions, viewpoints, but mostly because I thought he was so damned fine.
Back to the point of why I posted this article. I’ve published over ten titles and all have had foreign heroes. Scotland, England, Ireland, France, Italy, you name it. Without doubt it’s because I've traveled and dated men from other countries but more than that it had to do with the country’s wonderful heritage and my extreme passion for the foreign experience. And c’mon ladies, those international loves keep on keepin’ on!
Now that I’m writing about an American guy, I’ll admit that there's a wicked freedom to it. Not only is he USA born but Seth is into the paranormal. He’s the dare-devil of ghost hunters. Almost like a sexy, supernatural warlock version of Zach from Ghost Adventures… you know the type. *winks*
I don’t have to worry about an accent with Seth. After all you can’t read how we ‘get tha butta out of the fridge’ here in New England. *hee hee* I can blissfully leave Goodwill Hunting’s attempt at our accent OUT of my book. Phew! I’m just saying it like I see it… like I know it.
I’m finally writing about a male who I know drove down F'ing 93 at rush hour. He dealt with traffic on Storrow Drive when the Red Sox were playing. And yep, he was RIGHT THERE when the New England Patriots were welcomed home after too many Super Bowl wins to count. Heck yeah, he sure as hell gloated!
Not gonna lie… all of this gives me the warm fuzzies. It’s super comfy writing about the American male. He’s nothing short of dish-me-up-sum-more wonderful. A truly tantalizing hero!
Truth told, I'll continue to travel the seas in my writing but this whole American hero thing is intoxicating and fun. No doubt about it, I’ll be back.
What are your thoughts? Does nationality really matter? In my world it always has, specifically that tasty breed out of the UK. But name the male, name the country, I’d bet he deserves his hay day…even my very own super delicious American males.