I’ve decided to do this event a wee bit different than previous events and skip the interview. What am I giving you instead? You’re going to love this. I’ve convinced each participating author to pen a ‘never-before-seen’ excerpt from their highlighted story. What does that mean? You’ll be reading either a deleted scene or one they wrote especially for this event.

As an added bonus, Kat would like to host a contest this week. From her lips to my blog…
Contest: What is the name of the monk who tends Caille's injury? You'll have to read more of Without a Lord to find out. Click HERE to get started then click the Green Arrow That Points Right to read on. You should find your answer within the first chapter or two (HINT: Really start keeping your eyes peeled by page 30!). Include the answer in a comment on the blog to win. All correct answers will be put into a hat and three random draws will win:
1) First Draw - The 3 DVD set of Celtic Journey Through Ireland, a basket of Scottish foods and goodies, a copy of Without a Lord (any ebook format) and a copy of Fifty-eight Faces (any ebook format).
2) Second Draw - A copy of The Celts by John Davies (a print book), a basket of Scottish foods and goodies, a copy of Without a Lord (any ebook format) and a copy of Fifty-eight Faces (any ebook format).
Wow! Those are some incredible giveaways. Thanks Kat!
As you might have guessed, the story Kat decided to reveal an extra skit about is Without a Lord. So read on and enjoy!
Denied the lands that had been long promised him, Sir Roger vows to take what is rightfully his, the lands of his own lord, and the lord's new lady along with them.
Lady Caille is not the type to run from a fight. Faced with an indecent proposal she must choose between love and honor or risk losing the lands King Henry II granted to her father.
Never Before Read Scene….
Sir Roger held his wife in his arms while she slept. Her breath purled warm rhythmic puffs against his neck. She smelled of heather and moss and of his lovemaking. Content at last, he murmured the long-forbidden words. "I love you, Caille."
Lady Caille's legs shifted, pulling Roger's cloak off his body. Exposed to the chill air, he opened his eyes to daylight. Thick fog hung like wanton drapings of silk on the little valley where they'd bedded down. Roger re-adjusted the cloak he'd covered himself and Lady Caille with, tucking it around her body.
"What is it, Sir Roger?" she asked, wiping her eyes.
He gazed at her angelic face, wishing his dream of having her for his wife were truth. "It is naught, my lady. It was but a dream."
"Oh. A pleasant dream?"
Her enchanting green-eyed gaze soothed the sorrow in his heart. "Aye, my lady. As pleasant as your company, and as beautiful as this mist-shrouded valley. I have never seen country so lovely or so peaceful."
"I am very glad Scotland pleases you, despite the desperation of our errand here."

When he returned to her, Lady Caille was tossing more wood onto the fire. It blazed up, then settled down to a bed of hot coals when he added the mussels. The heat would cook the fish, steaming them open after a few minutes.
The lady sat on his cloak, using a comb to untangle the long plait of golden-red hair that trailed down her back like a streak of precious amber.
"Would my lady permit me to stand in for her handmaid?"
"Oh, it is not necessary."
"I have some skill with plaiting. You will want a fresh plait to keep your fair tresses from becoming unruly as we travel." He moved to sit beside her and took the comb from her hand. She held her body rigidly, but softened the moment he began to comb.
"How did you come by such a skill as plaiting, Sir Roger?"
"I spent my youth at court. The lord who fostered me was a favorite of King Stephen. There were many ladies who were more than willing to offer me tutoring in the care of women's needs."
He separated her hair to make a single long plait. Each time he caught a handful of silky hair to add it to the plait, the tips of his fingers brushed across the creamy skin on her neck. He was certain she could sense the amplified pulse of his heart.
"Mmmm...it must have been wonderful to be tutored at court."
"Yes. I spent many pleasurable hours at it." He bent his head forward and put his heated lips against the skin of her shoulder.
She sagged back against him and made a longing sigh.
"I would share this knowledge with my lady, if she wishes." He enfolded her waist with his arm and pressed her body against his.
She shivered herself alert and sat up straight, sending a cruel wave of cold space between them. "I would like to hear more of your experiences at court," she said.
"I would tell you, but more I would show you some of the things I learned." He skimmed the back of his hand against one soft cheek.
She turned and put a hand over his mouth. "No, Roger. You must not speak to me of such things."
He pressed her fingers to his lips and kissed them one by one, watching the emerald glow in her eyes. "I would stay here in Scotland with you forever if that is what would make you most happy."
"It cannot be. It is too great a sacrifice."
"True love often requires great sacrifice."
"True love...yes. Let us go now, before we furnish ourselves with regrets."
Sky here. Super excerpt, Kat! Utterly romantic.
Read more from Without a Lord, click here.
Purchase Without a Lord at Amazon or Smashswords.
As promised, Kat is also sharing another story titled Fifty-eight Faces~ Jewel of the Night Series
Chief of surgery at a small children's hospital, Caroline's last hope to save it from financial ruin evaporates when she loses the Blue Diamond case to greedy Evan Quinn. When Evan buys the hospital property for high profit condo conversion, Caroline's hatred shifts into full red-alert.
But Evan is not her real enemy. Rolf, the hospital's chief administrator, has had his eye on the blue diamond since he learned of it from his Nazi grandfather. To be the 58th face to possess the Blue Diamond, one for each of its facets, grants the owner unlimited power. Rolf plans to kill the current owners and use the diamond to build his Neo-Nazi regime. Can Caroline give up her hatred and Evan his greed before Rolf kills them both?
Read an excerpt, click HERE.
Purchase Fifty-eight Faces at The Wild Rose Press.
Interested in learning more about Kat? Visit her Website.
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Contact Kat at Kat@Katduncan.net
Don’t forget to enter the contest to win some super giveaways!
ALSO...Be sure to pop over to The Write Life to meet another super author and enter for a chance to win yet another great prize!