Stop and Smell the Roses Blog Bouquet
Good morning all!
If you haven’t heard, today The Wild Rose Press is hosting what it called the Stop and Smell the Roses Blog Bouquet. What does that mean for you? Well, if you’ve a little bit of time to spare, there are a TON of prizes to be won at various participating blogs.
In that the third novel in my Scottish Trilogy, Sylvan Mist, is being released this year, I thought I’d focus on the trilogy itself as part of my contest. The prize? A $15 Gift Certificate to The Wild Rose Press!
What I’ve decided to do is ask you a few questions about the first two novels,
Fate’s Monolith and
Destiny’s Denial, which means traveling to the home page of my website
http://www.skypurington.com/. Once you've found the answers, swing back to this blog and answer a question about the following excerpt. Yes, it’s a never before seen excerpt from my upcoming release,
Sylvan Mist.
Okay, here are the questions that you must answer in a comment at this blog for a chance to win! In Fate’s Monolith, the hero, Iain, has long awaited the arrival of whom? In Destiny’s Denial, Ferchar bringing Caitlin to Scotland will result in what for Cowal? Last but not least, referring to the excerpt below for Sylvan Mist, why do Coira’s eyes pop open in shock?
“You’re full of questions, aye?” Iain’s verdant eyes sparkled. “My wife Arianna is here and well. How pleased she will be to see you both again. And the laird is—”
"Me.” The deep voice came from behind.
Shivers ran down her spine. William stood so close, Coira swore she felt his breath on the back of her neck. She stepped away, but not before their eyes met. Her heart fell into her stomach. Had she ever met an Englishman as beautiful as William? She straightened her back and squared her shoulders. “I do believe I’ve been brought here by mistake.”
One of William’s dark brows shot up. “Have you now?”
She nodded once. With great effort, she kept her gaze locked with his. “Most certainly. Both Annie and I are well rehearsed in the ways of this connection between the Mac’Lomains and the Brouns. I’m quite sure that I’m not supposed to be here.”
William’s silver eyes left hers and swung to Annie. “Nay, you’re both here for a reason.”
When they returned to hers, a mocking gleam burned within. “Fate doesn’t make mistakes.”
She narrowed her eyes, not trusting him a bit. He was clearly intent on her sister. “Be careful, if I’m here for a reason, then it is without any doubt to protect my sister.”
An insolent smirk made love to his lips. “We will see, then, how well you champion your sister.”
Coira swallowed hard. “You would be amazed at my strength.”
“I’m sure I will be,” he murmured.
Annie broke through the battle of wills with her usual good humor. “I need no champion. Who here will have me?”
Iain alone laughed. Coira and William continued to glare at one another.
“We mount, aye, William?” Iain whistled and his black stallion trotted forth. “Annie, why don’t you ride with me?”
Both William and Coira started to protest, but it was too late. Iain had already swung Annie up onto his mount.
Coira put her hands on her hips and eyeballed William. “I do not wish to ride with you. May I ride one of the spare horses?”
“ ’Twould be my pleasure.” He smiled and she nearly relaxed. “If I trusted you, which I don’t.”
She bit back a growl. A growl! She was a lady, she didn’t growl. Before she knew what had happened, she was neatly plopped in front of William high astride his horse. Her skirt stretched uncomfortably over her legs and her backside nestled far too intimately between his thighs, very strong muscular thighs. She closed her eyes and counted to ten. Ridiculous noticing such a thing!
If that wasn’t enough, his hands suddenly covered her thighs. Her eyes popped open in shock...
After leaving your comment below for a chance to win, make sure you visit everyone else on the Stop and Smell the Roses Blog Bouquet. I’ve listed them below!
Thanks again for popping in and Good Luck!