Just Imagine

Feeling chatty?

Welcome to my blog! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and read what's on my mind. I've a vicious sense of humor, an apprecation for romance and a mad addiction to writing.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm in the Spotlight at Raine Delight's site.

Another round of big news!

Today, alongside my fellow authors in The Song of the Muses Anthology, I’ll be in the spotlight at Raine Delight’s site. It’s all about crawling inside each author’s head and figuring out what makes them tick, so if you have a second to spare, come on over and learn more…feel free to start with with my interview at http://authorrainedelight.com/2008/11/in-the-spotlight-sky-purington/#comment-427

Don't be shy, leave a comment, I look forward to seeing you all there!


1 comment:

Hywela Lyn said...

Yay, sister muse!
I've given your blog an award! Pop over to mine and see!