Just Imagine

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Brand New Series! #mustread

 Hey, all! I’m SUPER thrilled to share that The MacLomain Series: Irish Roots, my new time travel fantasy romance series, is now available for pre-order. Can’t wait for this one to release! Curious what it’s about? Here’s what you can expect…


Powerful Gaelic kings connect with women across time in a saga for the ages! Travel back to when the five original Celtic tribes ruled the land of Éire. When Irish kingdoms fought for control, times were more dangerous than ever, and magic helped shape history in ways lost to folklore.

 A Celtic Memory- She forgot something important. He knows what it is.

 A Celtic Secret- She has a wicked secret. He knows how to make her tell him everything.

 A Celtic Longing- She has an elusive longing. He will see it fulfilled.

 A Celtic Vow- She made a vow she can't recall. He will make sure it's kept.

 For longtime MacLomain readers, this mystical standalone series gives insight (an unknown backstory) into what ensured the MacLomain Clan went on to thrive in Scotland. 

Begin the journey with A Celtic Memory

OR buy the whole series now!