Just Imagine

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

When Friends Become Something More. Promised to a Highland Laird. #timetravel

Waving hello! I always say I’m busy writing but this time it’s tenfold with three upcoming releases by summer. Expect one more Highlander book in May, then my contribution to the Pirates of Britannia series in June, then a brand new Viking book by August.

Before I go any further let’s talk contests! Thanks so much to everybody who participated in December’s holiday contests. What a blast! A huge congrats to Joy for winning the $50 gift card and Christine for winning the $75 gift card. So what’s on the agenda for giveaways this month? Again, I’m keeping it simple. For a chance to win one of two $25 Amazon gift cards, answer the following questions. What is the title of the first book in my upcoming series Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon and who are its hero and heroine? Both answers are located on my Website. Please email the answers to Sky@SkyPurington.com, subject line- VIKINGS. Two winners chosen!

All right, down to business. Today’s book release! Graham and Christina were an absolute delight to write about and likely my most upbeat couple to date. Well, as upbeat as you can be when you’re battling the English, facing otherworldly evil and trying to save Scotland. Nevertheless, I hope they make you smile as much as they did me. So until next time...Happy Reading y'all! 


Christina has made her own way for as long as she can remember and juggled men for even longer. The love ‘em and leave ‘em type, she finally said goodbye to Virginia, moved to Maine, and made a fresh start. Or so she thought until her best friends were pulled back in time. Better yet, when a stubborn Claddagh ring on her finger declares she can run but can’t hide. Not when it comes to men from medieval Scotland.

First-in-command of MacLomain Castle, Graham MacLomain has more secrets than most and wants nothing to do with a lass from the future. Especially not one who is promised to King Robert the Bruce. Yet the moment he makes contact with Christina before she travels back in time, he is drawn to her. Soon enough, despite his own commitments and a life that can never include her, he’s eager to be by her side.

Friends from the start, Graham and Christina devise a plan to pretend true love found them. Now they can discreetly dodge destiny and follow their own paths. The only problem? Destiny is unavoidable. Passion sparks and love ignites. Days before the Battle of Bannockburn, they’ll have to face the truth and make a heartbreaking choice. Give in to how they truly feel and destroy all those they care about or turn away, and save Scotland from ultimate ruin.

Available now at Amazon

Sneak Peek Excerpt…

He couldn’t stop a smile if he tried. Where had she been all his life? Clearly not in medieval Scotland.

“Aye, lass.” He nodded and kept smiling. “I would verra much like us to be honest with each other.”

“So would I.” Her eyes lingered on his for a moment, her smile just as wide as she nodded then looked ahead again. “Good, I’m glad we got all that awkward stuff out of the way.”

Graham nodded and kept grinning. About the last thing he expected to find when he traveled to the future was a lass like Christina. It almost seemed too good to be true. She was most certainly the one that should be meant for him, and he said as much. “So will ye travel back in time with me, lass?” He gestured at the ring. “Will ye agree to be mine so we can ignite the gem’s magic, and defeat our warlock?”

Christina stopped short, a hint of amusement in her narrowed eyes. “Are you tryin’ to skip all the fun stuff to get to the boring stuff?”

“The fun stuff to get to the boring stuff?” More confused by the moment, he cocked his head. “Shouldn’t it be skip the fun stuff to get to the better stuff?”

“Not in my experience.” She chuckled, following his meaning. “Though I’ll say up front I’m happy that it has been for you.” That same smirk still hovered on her lips. “So there’s been nothing but flirting, fun, happiness and then great sex with all your women, huh?”

Maybe not now but most certainly at one time. So he kept being honest.

“Aye.” He winked. “Verra good sex.”

“Hmm.” She twisted her lips and eyed him up and down with appreciation again. “I really do get it.”

They met each other’s smiles, not a bit of discomfort between them as they discussed things that would be entirely inappropriate with any lass from his time. More than that, anything he would ever talk so casually about with a lass he just met.

“So back to fun stuff not becoming better stuff betwixt us as we move forward together and try to save my country.” He considered her. “Are ye up for it, lass?”

She seemed to contemplate it as she continued eying him. “So let me get this straight. You want to skip all the love and sex and see if we can get out of this ring-binding thing while we pretend to be together?”

“More the pity on the sex part but aye,” he said. “What about ye? Do ye want to move forward with me and take control of our own destiny rather than have anyone or,” he glanced at her ring, “anything dictate it for us?”

She crossed her arms over her ample enough chest and tapped her foot as she thought about it. “Y’know what, Graham, I reckon I do.” She shook her head. “But can it be done? Can we be together without actually being together?”

“I think ‘tis best that we give it a try.” He nodded, more sure of this quickly hatched plan by the moment. “Just as long as ye realize we cannae truly be together.”

“That sounds doable.” Yet he saw the curiosity in her eyes. “So what gives? Are you in love with someone your kin has forbidden?” Her eyes rounded in intrigue. “Secretly married?”

“Is it so important to know?” He remained perfectly honest with her. “Because I would rather not share quite yet.” Graham issued his most charming smile. “Right now, ‘twould be best if, by the time we return to the house, we could say we’re smitten and desire one another.” He shook his head. “And no one else.”

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March 8th

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March 9th

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March 12th

March 13th

March 13th

Thursday, February 22, 2018

New Release & MEGA Cover Reveal! #romance

Exciting news!! The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning’s epic conclusion is right around the corner. Scoop up your copy of Avenged by a Highland Laird now, so you don’t miss out! I’m also revving up for my next Viking series and would LOVE to share my latest book covers. I think my cover artist, Tara West did an AMAZING JOB! J

Avenged by a Highland Laird

Laird Bryce MacLeod will do anything to see Scotland’s history saved. Even if it means chasing down Jessie, a twenty-first century lass who might very well be his enemy. What he discovers when he catches her, however, is someone with deep, dark secrets and unanticipated intentions. Hidden truths so remarkable a whirlwind adventure through time begins. 

First, they find themselves in league with Angus Óg MacDomhnaill, Lord of the Isles, a noble Scottish captain rumored in some circles to be a pirate. Danger and intrigue abound as they help the Scots capture three English supply ships and deliver their cargo to the Scottish army. As they do and more mysteries are unveiled, attraction ignites and roars to life.   

Caught in the throes of newfound passion, they finally join King Robert the Bruce and face off with the English once more at the Battle of Byland Moor. Yet there’s another enemy as well. An evil whose sole purpose is meant to test their hearts in a way neither saw coming. An enemy determined to rip Jessie away from Bryce forever. Will the power of love be strong enough in the end? Or will the curse that threatens Scotland be too much to overcome? Find out in Avenged by a Highland Laird, the epic conclusion of The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning. 

Coming May 21st, 2018
Available now for pre-order exclusively at Amazon

Brand new upcoming series. Here are the latest covers for Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon!

(Sven and Emily’s Story)

Håkon's story

Davyn's story

Eirik's story

Soren's story

Friday, February 9, 2018

Ancient Magic and New Passion. Enchanter Redeemed by Sharon Ashwood.

Today I'm thrilled to feature Enchanter Redeemed (Camelot Reborn), Book Four by Sharon Ashwood.

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Harlequin Nocturne

Date of Publication: February 1/6 2018

ISBN: 978-1335629487


Number of pages: 300

Word Count: 80,000

Cover Artist: Brandon Allen 

Book Description

In the last battle for Camelot, Merlin had to make a terrible choice. Now he must pay the price. When a demon from his past reappears, she wants nothing more than to destroy the wizard. Now to reap her vengeance as a lover scorned, the demon occupies the body of Clary—the apprentice who is capturing his heart—and has the innocent behaving in uncharacteristic ways. Ways that push the forbidden desire Clary and Merlin share into heated play…

Harlequin    Amazon    BN     Kobo      iBooks

Giveaway! Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win one set of paperback copies of the first three books in the series. Open to entries worldwide.

***Other Books in the Series***

Book 1 - Enchanted Warrior (RITA nominee)
Book 2 – Enchanted Guardian
Book 3 – Royal Enchantment


Clary jolted awake. Power surged through her body, painful and suffocating. Her spine arched into it—or maybe away from it, she wasn’t sure. Merlin had one hand on her side and the other on her chest, using his magic like a defibrillator. The sensation hammered her from the inside while every hair on her body stood straight up. When he released her, she sagged in relief. A drifting sensation took over, as if she were a feather in an updraft.

Merlin's fingers went to her neck, checking for a pulse. His hands were hot from working spells, the touch firm yet gentle. In her weakened state, Clary shivered slightly, wanting to bare her throat in surrender. She was a sucker for dark, broody masculinity and he projected it like a beacon. All the same, Clary sucked in a breath before he got any big ideas about mouth-to-mouth. If Merlin was going to kiss her, she wanted wine and soft music, not blood and the dirty workshop floor.

Another bolt of power, more pain, another pulse check. Clary managed a moan, and she heard the sharp intake of Merlin’s breath. His hand withdrew from her pulse point as she forced her eyes open. He was staring down at her with his peculiar amber eyes, dark brows furrowed in concern. She was used to him prickly, arrogant or sarcastic, but not this. She’d never seen that oddly vulnerable expression before—but it quickly fled as their gazes met.

"You're alive."

He said it like a fact, any softness gone.

"Yup." Clary pushed herself up on her elbows. She hurt all over. “What was that?”

“A demon.”

“I got that much.” Clary held up her arm, peering through the rents in her jacket where the demon’s claws had slashed. Merlin’s zap of power had stopped the bleeding, but the deep scratches were red, puffy and hurt like blazes.

“Demon claws are toxic.”

“Got that, too.”

“I can put a salve on the wound, but you’d be smart to have Tamsin look at it,” Merlin said.

“Your sister is a better healer than I am.”

“She’s better than anybody.” Clary said it with the automatic loyalty of a little sister, but it was true. 

“She’s got a better bedside manner, too.” 

Merlin raised a brow, his natural arrogance back in place. “Just be glad you’re alive.”

She studied Merlin, acutely aware of how much magic he’d used to shut the demon down. He looked like a man in his early thirties, but there was no telling how old he actually was. He was lean-faced with permanent stubble and dark hair that curled at his collar. At first glance, he looked like a radical arts professor or dot-com squillionaire contemplating his next disruptive innovation. It took a second look to notice the muscular physique hidden by the comfortable clothes. Merlin had a way of sliding under most radars, but Clary never underestimated the power he could pluck out of thin air. She was witch born, a member of the Shadowring Coven, but he was light years beyond their strongest warlocks.

That strength was like catnip to her—although she’d never, ever admit that out loud. 

“What were you doing?” she demanded, struggling the rest of the way to a sitting position.

“I was watching the demons through a scrying portal when you interrupted me.” His tone was precise and growing colder with every syllable. Now that the crisis was over, he was getting angry.

“The she-demon tried to kill me.” Clary’s insides hollowed as the words sank home. Dear goddess, she did kill me! And Merlin had brought her back before a second had passed—but it had happened. Her witch’s senses had felt it happen. The realization left her light-headed.

“She doesn’t get to have you,” he said in a low voice.

Their gazes locked, and something twisted in Clary’s chest. She’d been hurt on Merlin’s watch, and he was furious. No, what she saw in his eyes was more than icy anger. It was a heated, primal possessiveness that came from a far different Merlin than she knew. Clary’s breath stopped. Surely she was misreading the situation. Death and zapping had scrambled her thoughts.

“I shouldn’t have walked in on you.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” he said in a voice filled with the same mix of ice and fire.

“You’d be a better student of magic if you paid attention. You asked me to teach you proper magic and not the baby food the covens use. Real magic is deadly.”

Abruptly, he stood and crossed the room to kick a shard of agate against the wall. It bounced with a savage clatter. Clary got to her feet, her knees wobbling. He spun and stormed back to her in one motion, moving so fast she barely knew what was happening.

He took her by the shoulders, the grip rough. “Don’t ever do that again!”

And then his mouth crushed hers in a hard, angry kiss. Clary gasped in surprise, but there was no air, only him, and only his need. She rose slowly onto her toes, the gesture both surrender and a desire to hold her own. She’d been kissed many times before, but never consumed this way. His lips were greedy and hot with that same confusing array of emotions she’d seen a moment ago. Anger. Fear. Possession. Protectiveness.

Volatile. That was the word she’d so often used in her own head when thinking about him. Volatile, though he kept himself on a very short chain. Right now that chain had slipped.

For the first two chapters, click here:  http://www.rowanartistry.com/book/enchanter-redeemed/

About the Author

Sharon Ashwood is a free-lance journalist, novelist, desk jockey and enthusiast for the weird and spooky. She has an English literature degree but works as a finance geek. Interests include growing her to-be-read pile and playing with the toy graveyard on her desk. As a vegetarian, she freely admits the whole vampire/werewolf lifestyle fantasy would never work out, so she writes paranormal romances instead.

Sharon lives in the Pacific Northwest and is owned by the Demon Lord of Kitty Badness.

Monday, February 5, 2018

A War has been Brewing in the Shadows. Blood Awakening by Miranda Nichols.

Today it's my pleasure to feature Blood Awakening, Book One (Immortal Sleepers Series) by Miranda Nichols.

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Torrid Books a Simon and Schuster Imprint

Date of Publication: 1.29.18

ISBN: 978-1-68299-266-1

Number of pages: 256
Word Count: 86k

Cover Artist: Kelly Martin

Book Description

A war has been brewing in the shadows.

Kaelyn Hamblin never felt particularly extraordinary, growing up in a strong Irish household in the heart of Boston for most of her young life. Her humdrum routine remained markedly unchanged for longer than she cared to remember; until that day. The day when a beautiful stranger drifted into her hole-in-the-wall bookshop and changed her life forever.

Tyrian knew from the moment he locked eyes on her that she was the one. His one. The singular being within all of time and space that was made for him and him alone. His world was not one of niceties and pretty things; bringing her into it would be dangerous. But he would protect her. He had to. After all, it was foretold.

Worlds collide, marking the beginning of the end to an age long battle warring between the forces of darkness and light in the universe. The fate of all rests on the shoulders of a lone druid and her band of human hunters to quell the rising tide of evil threatening to overtake everything and plunge the connected realms into eternal darkness.

“A Witty and Hot fantasy like no other.” -Stephanie Hansen, Metamorphosis Literary Agency President.

Torrid Books      Amazon     iTunes     BN     Simon and Schuster

About the Author

Miranda Nichols enjoys her too short-lived moments in Boston visiting family. That’s why her stories tend to travel there. She’s had years of professional experience perfecting detail-oriented work and it shows in her writing. A current student working towards her MFA, she’s following her lifetime calling. She's a loyal friend who's not afraid to tell it like it is. Like the smell of fresh popcorn, her fantasy romances tempt you and keep you coming back for more.