Welcome! It’s been a while since I chatted about the latest happenings in my world so I’d like to take this opportunity to share. As always, things have been busy, mostly in the medieval Scottish highlands. How so? Well, I've been spending time with some memorable characters from the MacLomain Series. For those who are familiar, do you remember Alan Stewart from Fate’s Monolith and Destiny’s Denial? If so, then you’ll probably understand why I felt he deserved his own romance. Drop dead gorgeous with those sexy dark eyes and black hair; he’d always captured my attention. Then there was his ever-so-suave way with the lassies.
Oh wait!
You thought he was dead, eh? *grins* Guess I forgot to mention that. He's not so dead after all! Why? Quite simple, a lovely mystic ensured his survival. For those of you who read, Highland Persuasion (The MacLomain Series- Early Years), you might remember Caitriona, the wee lass caught on an unexpected adventure. As it turned out, she had a goal, a secret objective known by very few. And who was at the heart of the secret? None other than Alan Stewart, a lad she desires above all else.
But there's more…
Do you recall Arianna Broun from Fate’s Monolith? She was the lass from the future who married Iain MacLomain. Were you ever curious what happened to the other Arianna Broun, the Scottish lass from the lowlands who was his true intended bride? Ponder no longer because we finally learn more about her and Stephen Broun in Highland Mystic. After all, theirs too was an epic love story.
As Highland Mystic was recently released, I thought today to share a blurb and an excerpt. Happy reading!
Two romances. Four destinies. One extraordinary outcome...
Alan Stewart loves the lasses. Beautiful all, he's never been one to settle. Until, that is, Caitriona appears. Shy yet alluring, her unexpected and rare gift gains his respect. Though his need to protect her grows, a dark ending looms. Only Alan knows that her death soon comes and he will not be able to save her.
Caitriona Devereux is not who she seems. Her fate was foreseen long before birth and so important it will impact all future MacLomains. When dreams of Alan Stewart begin, she knows the time has come. But how to convince a Highland laird from another century that he must die for her? Especially when it soon becomes apparent that she couldn't bear his death.
When their paths cross with Stephen and Arianna of the Broun clan, a powerful prophecy begins to unravel. Though promised to Iain MacLomain, Arianna Broun is in love with Stephen. They'll do anything to be together. Alan and Caitriona will afford them just such an opportunity.
Betrayal and loss will intertwine with passion, friendship and new beginnings as the four race toward their destinies. All will discover how far they are willing to go for love. But will the journey be worth the ultimate sacrifice?
“We will go care for the horses and hunt for food,” Arianna interrupted, a wide grin on her face.
“And we will set things aflame,” Alan assured with a wink.
Caitriona rolled her eyes. “We will have a fire ready when you return.”
Stephen and Arianna took each other’s hand. Their step was lighter and they seemed young lovers as they vanished down the path. “I hope they remember to be back before dusk.”
“Oh, they will… just,” he murmured, trailing kisses down a surprisingly tender area beneath and behind her ear. “But ‘twill not be the caring of the horses or the hunting that will slow them down.”
Caitriona pulled away before she melted further into him. “Well, at least we can get done what we promised.”
Alan shook his head and grabbed her hand. “Nay, not yet. There is time. Come. I want to show you something.”
Every time he wanted to show her something it was an even more intimate location. Her resistance was weakening as it was. She stopped. “Nay. ‘Tis never so simple with you.”
His brows arched. “Now lass, I will carry you if forced.”
Dubious, she pulled her hand away and crossed her arms over her chest. “I said nay, Alan. I mean to stand by it.”
“Well which way will you have it then? Over my shoulder or in my arms.”
“Neither!” She said. “I dinnae want to see what you have to show and that is final.”
“You dinnae want to see?” He shook his head and started toward her.
There was no moving fast enough when this man gave pursuit. The cave flipped and the next thing she knew the floor was far below. Air puffed out of her lungs when her belly hit his shoulder.
“You really thought over the shoulder the better of the two choices?” She gasped.
“I wasnae the one given the choice. When you didnae make one, I made it for you.” His hand tightened on her backside. “Besides, this allows me to climb.”
Climb! Oh no. She held on tight. As it was, he was taller than most men. There didn’t need to be more distance between her and the cave floor.
“Dinnae worry. I willnae drop you.” He began climbing. “Yet.”
It was impossible to see what he climbed as they moved up. Caitriona squeezed her eyes shut. “Bloody hell, Alan.”
“Such language.” He squeezed her backside. “And all for naught had you just followed when asked.”
“A little more debate over this might have been nice. You put in no effort to persuade,” she muttered.

Higher and higher he climbed. She wasn’t about to tell him that he might have convinced her otherwise. Upon reflection, perhaps she should have. At least then, she’d have a wee bit more control. But would that much matter? Wherever he brought her now there would be no easy escape from.
If he set to seducing her she’d all but be trapped.
What seemed far too much time later, he finally stopped climbing and stood. He took his time about lowering her, choosing to let her slide slowly down his long, hard body. Caitriona would be lying to herself if she said it was the climb that made her tremble. Nay, it was the highlander.
His eyes sought hers, their dark depths churning with something quietly vicious and blatantly possessive. If any air was left, the last of it fled her lungs. He’d brought her someplace all his and he intended to make it all hers. Getting around him this time would mean trying to get past not only the warrior and chieftain but by his other side too, the seasoned wizard.
“Did you truly think I would let you protect me forever?” he said softly.
“I thought you would honor my wishes.”
“Then you gave me too much credit.” He made no move to release her. “I would rather have you in every way a lad should have a lass than never to have had you, all for the sake of remaining alive. There will come a day when I battle alongside my clansmen and you willnae be there. If a blade is aimed true, what good will your healing do then? I would die without ever having known you as I should.”
His words were moving, profound, troublingly convincing. As such, she had no rebuttal. And if she did it would be impossible to find the words through the fog of desire building inside her.
*Sky here* Sorry to stop the excerpt here but things turn a tad bit naughty. I hope you enjoyed and consider checking out the story further. Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Find Highland Mystic at Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Smashwords and many online bookstores.