Every once in a while I have to take a few moments away from talking to my readers and talk to my fellow writers. It matters little if you're published, aspiring to be published or simply hold the craft of writing as a hobby, for your eyes only. What matters is improving and learning, for all of us.
I'm multi-published but realize...and intend to always realize, I can do better, that (as a dear friend once said to me) apply a little bit more elbow grease and improve my manuscript if need be.
My topic today? Showing versus telling. Smiles. If you're a writer you know well this, "staple of writing." If you don't, look it up! It astounds me as I go from year to year, story to story, how the simple act of showing versus telling in a story can, at some point, slip through one's fingers. More slippery than a well buttered stalk of corn on the cob!
Anyways, I recently Googled the topic once again, eager for another way to grasp it, to make my writing even better. Curious what I found? I'll bet.
Ray Rhamey....I read one of his blog posts and it managed to infiltrate one more corner of my writer's mind which had apparantly been sealed up tight, dusty with cobwebs. What he said in a simple blog post taught me more than most of the stuff I've read in two years on the topic of showing versus telling.
No sales pitch here, promise, I haven't even bought his book Flogging the Quill yet...but I will!
Curious my fellow writers? Check out the blogpost at http://www.floggingthequill.com/flogging_the_quill/2006/week6/index.html. Well worth it in my opinion.
All right, must be off. I wish you all a very sun-filled, family-loving Memorial Day Weekend!
Visit Me Tomorrow at Romancing the Genres! #romance #scifi
Hey Everyone!
Tomorrow, January 18, I'll be answering questions at Romancing the Genres,
with special attention to my novel, THE SANCTUARY, Book 4 in Tim...
2 days ago