Spring is in the air! Bees are buzzing. Children anxiously await the big morning where they can graze on candy all day. What about mom? We've got a treat for you! Come join a group of romance authors in celebration of spring. Enter to win a prize a day as well as enter to win the grand prize. All you need do is begin at Silver James' blog on April 1st at http://www.silverjames.com.silver/ will host the day's contest and provide the link to the next day's location. Don't forget to enter to win the grand prize! Here's the dirt...
A TISKET A TASKET, PUT ROMANCE IN YOUR BASKET Grand Prize:To enter to win prizes from the authors donating treasures to the grand prize (see each day's post for what an author is donating to the grand prize), find the four Easter eggs in the A TISKET A TISKET, PUT ROMANCE IN YOUR BASKET blog event.

You will be searching for the above egg. Just visit all of the authors' websites, locate the 4 eggs, make a list of their locations by pasting the urls to the website pages in an e-mail, then send the entry to http://us.mc632.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=happyendings2007@aol.com by midnight CST on March 1st, 2009. The winner will be randomly drawn and announced March 2nd at http://blog.skhyemoncrief.com/. Tip #1, subscribe to http://blog.skhyemoncrief.com/ to learn if you're the winner! And don't worry. If you start in on the blog event late, just head back to Silver James' blog on April 1st to begin your website search for the Easter eggs. Don't miss the fun! See you next to the burgundy tulips. ~Sky